(A) Unless an applicant requests an individual assessment as set forth in Vol. II, § 7-1-13(F), the development fees shall be calculated for the proposed development based on any plan approval and/or permit allowing the use, according to the applicable fee schedule.
(B) The following development fee schedules have been adopted by City Council Ordinance No. 1521 and are incorporated herein by reference:
(1) Street facilities development fee schedule (see Vol. II, Article 7-2 of this Chapter);
(2) Police facilities development fee schedule (see Vol. II, Article 7-3 of this Chapter);
(3) Parks and recreational facilities development fee schedule (see Vol. II, Article 7-4 of this Chapter); and
(4) Library Facilities development fee schedule (see Vol. II, Article 7-5 of this Chapter).
(C) The units of development specified in the fee schedule shall be interpreted as follows:
(1) A dwelling unit shall be interpreted as dwelling unit as defined in Vol. II, § 7-1-4 of this Chapter, provided that it shall also be interpreted as the creation of a new manufactured home or recreational vehicle space in a manufactured home or recreational vehicle park or a guest house; and
(2) Building square footage shall be measured in terms of gross floor area, measured from the outside surfaces of the building walls and shall include any outside sales area whether under roof or not or outside covered storage area for industrial and commercial uses.
(D) For categories of uses not specified in the applicable development fee schedule, the Development Fee Administrator shall apply the category of use set forth in the applicable fee schedule that the Development Fee Administrator deems to be most similar to the proposed use.
(E) If any plan or permit approval for the proposed development indicates a mix of uses in the development, the development fees shall be calculated separately for each use and the results aggregated.
(F) For an addition, or to remodel or replace existing structures, or for a change of use to an existing structure, the development fee to be paid shall be the difference, if any, between:
(1) The fee, if any, that would be payable for existing development on the site or, in the case of demolition or removal of a structure, the previous development on the site; and
(2) The fee, if any, that would be payable for the total development on the site after the new development.
(G) After receiving a written request of an applicant, the Development Fee Administrator shall provide an estimate of the current development fee based on the data provided by the applicant. However, this estimate does not establish any vested rights to build or develop the property.
(Ord. 1521, passed 8-16-2022)