General Provisions
5-1-1 Statutory authorization
5-1-2 Findings of fact
5-1-3 Statement of purpose
5-1-4 Methods of reducing flood losses
5-1-5 Definitions
5-1-6 Lands to which this Article applies
5-1-7 Basis for establishing the areas of special flood hazard
5-1-8 Compliance
5-1-9 Abrogation and greater restrictions
5-1-10 Interpretation
5-1-11 Disclaimer of liability
5-1-12 Statutory exceptions
5-1-13 Unlawful acts
5-1-14 Violations
5-1-15 Declaration of public nuisance
5-1-16 Abatement of violations
5-1-17 Severability
Floodplain Administrator; Permits
5-1-18 Designation of the Floodplain Administrator
5-1-19 Duties and responsibilities of the Floodplain Administrator
5-1-20 Establishment of development permit
5-1-21 Standards of construction
5-1-22 Standards for storage of materials and equipment
5-1-23 Standards for utilities
5-1-24 Additional development standards, including subdivisions
5-1-25 Standards for manufactured homes
5-1-26 Standards for recreational vehicles
5-1-27 Floodways
5-1-28 Nature of variances
5-1-29 Appeal Board
5-1-30 Conditions for variances
Pursuant to A.R.S. § 48-3610, the Arizona State Legislature has enabled the city to adopt regulations in conformance with A.R.S. §§ 48-3601 et seq., designed to promote the public health, safety and general welfare of its citizenry.
(Prior Document, Ch. 5 Art. I, § 1.01) (Ord. passed - -)