§ 10-2.09 ANIMALS.
   (A)   Access/facilities. No person owning or otherwise having a dog or other animal in his care, charge, control, custody, or possession shall cause, permit, or allow such dog or other animal to be in or upon any public park, playground, or public school unless such dog or other animal is under restraint by leash or chain. The leash or chain shall not exceed six feet in length. The owner of every animal shall immediately remove any excreta deposited by his/her animal on public walks, park, recreation areas, roadways, streets, school grounds, or private property.
   (B)   Horses and livestock. Horses and other livestock shall be permitted only on those trails and in those areas specifically designated for equestrian use. (Exception: permitted by agreement or authority of Director or designee).
(Ord. 915-C-S, passed 2-27-96)
   No person shall dump, deposit or leave any bottles, broken glass, ashes, paper boxes, cans, dirt, rubbish, waste, garbage or refuse or any trash anywhere on the park grounds. Such material shall be placed in proper receptacles provided for such purposes. No such items, refuse or trash shall be placed in any waters contiguous to any park or recreation area. Where receptacles are not provided, all such items, refuse or trash shall be carried away from the park or recreation area by the person or persons responsible for its presence.
   (A)   No person shall throw, discharge or deposit or cause to be discharged, from any vehicle any refuse matter of any kind at all into or upon the waters or land area of the city-owned land/parks.
   (B)   No person shall dump or discharge, oil, spirits, flammable liquids or contaminated bilge water (including emulsified oils) onto the waters, lands, or garbage/trash receptacles of the parks, or into any drains or toilets in the parks.
(Ord. 915-C-S, passed 2-27-96)
§ 10-2.11 VANDALISM.
   No person shall cut, break, injure, tamper with, deface, remove or disturb any tree, shrub, plant, rock, building, wall, fence, bench, sign regulations, structure, apparatus or property; climb any tree or wall; stand or sit upon monuments, vases, fountains, railings, fences, or any other property not designated for such purposes; nor shall persons hitch a horse or other animal to any tree or structure.
(Ord. 915-C-S, passed 2-27-96)
   No person shall camp or lodge in a tent, vehicle or on the ground in any park or recreation facility, including the parking lot areas of any such facilities. Except during daylight, for security purposes, with the written permission of the Director, no person shall stay, remain or sleep in a motor home or other motor vehicle or otherwise, in any park and recreation facility, including the parking lot area of such facility.
(Ord. 915-C-S, passed 2-27-96)
   (A)   No person shall operate or drive an automobile, bicycle, motorcycle, truck, trailer, wagon, motor scooter, or other conveyance on other than roads or paths designated for their use. A bicyclist may walk/push a bicycle over any grassy area, or trail or path reserved for pedestrian use.
   (B)   No person shall wash, service or repair any motor vehicle within any public park area, including parking lots.
   (C)   Motor vehicles and other conveyances shall be parked in established and designated parking areas.
(Ord. 915-C-S, passed 2-27-96)
   (A)   It is unlawful to row, sail or operate any boat, craft or other device, on or in any pond, lake, stream or water except at such place as is designated and provided for use of such boat, craft or device. Fishing is allowed from the Antioch Public Fishing Pier and any other area so designated for fishing. It is unlawful to fish in any pond, lake, stream or water, except at a place designated and provided for such purpose controlled by the city.
   (B)   No parent or guardian, or any person having the custody of any child under the age of eight years, shall cause, permit or allow such child to enter or visit any public park or recreation area having a lake within the boundaries of such park or recreation area unless such child is accompanied by a person of not less than 16 years of age.
   (C)   It is unlawful to swim, bathe, wade in, or pollute the water of any fountain, pond, lake or stream, except at a place designated and provided for such purpose.
(Ord. 915-C-S, passed 2-27-96)