§ 10-2.02 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   CITY. The City of Antioch.
   DAYLIGHT. Any time from one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset.
   DIRECTOR. The Director or his/her designee of Parks, Leisure and Community Services of the city.
   PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITY. Any public park, trail, pathway, playground, athletic field, recreation center or recreation area, which is owned, leased by, or under the control of the city, whether or not such facility is improved or unimproved and whether or not such facility is located within or outside the territorial limits of the city.
   WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE DIRECTOR. A permit issued by the city's Department of Parks, Leisure and Community Services, which shall contain the following information: The name of the person or organization to whom the permit is issued; the name of the park or recreation facility and/or the identification of the activity to which the permit applies; the effective date(s) and times of the permit; and such other administrative information as may be necessary.
(Ord. 915-C-S, passed 2-27-96)
   (A)   Authority is hereby given to the City Manager, the Director of Parks, Leisure and Community Services and to any of the Department of Parks, Leisure and Community Services attendants employed in such parks or recreation areas, in their discretion, to evict and remove from such public parks or recreation areas or buildings any person who violates any of the provisions of this chapter or any other law, ordinance or rule that may be in effect now or may hereafter be passed or adopted for the regulation and government of public parks or recreation areas. Any peace officer enforcing any such law, ordinance or regulation shall be authorized, in lieu of arresting or citing any violator, in his or her discretion to evict and remove such violator.
   (B)   No person being evicted or removed pursuant to the authority of division (A) shall refuse to leave as ordered, nor shall any person who has been so evicted or removed, return, during the calendar day in which he was evicted, to the same park, recreation area or building, unless specifically permitted to do so by the person who evicted him/her, or by the City Manager or the Director of Parks, Leisure and Community Services.
(Ord. 915-C-S, passed 2-27-96)
   (A)   In an emergency, or when the City Manager, Chief of Police or the Director of Parks, Leisure and Community Services (or a duly approved representative of any such official) has determined that the public interest or public health, or public morals, or public safety demands such action, any park, square, avenue, grounds or recreation center or any part or portion thereof, may be closed to the public, and all persons may be banned therefor until such emergency or other reason upon which such determination of the City Manager, Chief of Police, or the Director of Parks, Leisure and Community Services, is based has ceased, whereafter the park, square, avenue, grounds or recreation center or part or portion thereof so closed shall again be reopened to the public.
   (B)   The Director may establish temporary rules and regulations from time to time as necessary for the proper administration and regulation of conduct in the city's park and recreation areas. Such temporary regulations shall be made when emergencies or other circumstances require immediate action. Any such temporary rules or regulations shall be posted in or near the entranceway in each park or recreation area and all persons using the facilities shall comply therewith. Such temporary rules shall be referred to the City Council at the earliest opportunity and may become permanent if confirmed by the City Council.
(Ord. 915-C-S, passed 2-27-96)
   No person shall engage in any activity in any park violating regulations the Director has caused to be posted, prohibiting certain activities in certain areas, or otherwise controlling conduct. All persons shall obey any lawful order by an employee of the Parks, Leisure and Community Services Department made pursuant to the rules and regulations of this chapter.
(Ord. 915-C-S, passed 2-27-96)
   The City Council, by resolution, may establish supplemental rules and regulations that from time to time may be required or necessary for the proper administration and regulation of conduct in the city's parks and recreation areas.
(Ord. 915-C-S, passed 2-27-96)
   (A)   Access. Access and use of all parks and recreational facilities are based on a first-come, first-served basis, unless reserved by a permitted group. (Exception: softball fields #1 & #2 Worth Shaw Sports Complex.) Youth groups granted permitting privilege will not use facilities except through the permitting process. The city's Leisure Services Division will furnish applications and guidelines and approval for reserved uses.
   (B)   Interference. No person within any park or building shall use or attempt to use or interfere with the use of any table, space or facility within said park or building which at the time is reserved for any other person or group that has received a permit from the Director therefor. Unless the actual use of table, space, area, building or facility, referred to in any such permit has commenced within one hour after the period covered by such permit begins, such permit shall become void and all rights under such permit may be canceled.
   (C)   Fire/barbecues. No person shall light or maintain any fire in any parks or recreation facility unless such fire is lighted and maintained in a place specifically provided for that purpose, i.e., BBQ pits. Fuel shall be of such types and kindled in such a manner as to prevent the danger of fire in the surrounding vegetation.
   (D)   Facility use. Within a park and recreation facility no person shall construct or erect any building, run or string any public service utility, except by special written permit. No person shall wear footwear that will damage, injure or create the need for excessive maintenance on any field, court, deck, floor, turf or specialized surface prepared for particular games or activities. No group, organization or individual shall use field and turf areas when raining, wet or muddy conditions exist.
   (E)   Duplication of keys. Keys to city padlocks or door locks are not to be duplicated without express written permission of the Director.
   (F)   Alcohol. No alcohol may be brought to or consumed in a public park or recreation facility without a permit from the Director.
   (G)   Designated areas. The Director may select or designate special areas and facilities at any park that may be limited to special uses, all the time, or at specified times. Such areas include, but are not limited to, picnic areas, sports areas, wetlands and play areas.
(Ord. 915-C-S, passed 2-27-96)
   (A)   Park hours.
      (1)   Park and recreation facilities are open to the public from dawn to dusk, unless otherwise posted.
      (2)   No person shall refuse or fail to leave a park and recreation facility upon being directed to leave by the Director or the Director's designee, or by a peace officer.
      (3)   No person shall be or remain in a park and recreation facility after or before scheduled hours as posted, except as follows:
         (a)   With the written permission of the Director;
         (b)   When using a sidewalk or pathway within the facility as a transportation corridor;
         (c)   When engaged in fishing at a fishing pier;
         (d)   When engaged in launching or retrieving a boat at the Antioch Boat Ramp.
      (4)   The Director, Police Chief, or their designees, may close any park and recreation facility to the public when it is determined that such closure will protect the public health, safety and/or welfare or is necessary to protect such facility from misuse or destruction. If possible, notice thereof shall be posted in conspicuous locations in the affected facility.
      (5)   No person, group or organization shall claim exclusive use of any or all of a park and recreation facility without the written permission of the Director.
   (B)   Bicycles/skateboards. No person shall ride or operate a bicycle or mountain bike in any park and recreation facility in a negligent, unsafe or reckless manner or in any way that endangers the life, limb or property of any person. Bicycles must be walked within all park sites when other park users are present.
      (1)   Pathways and roadways designated for bicycle use shall be used as designated.
      (2)   No skateboards, roller blades, roller skates or bicycles are permitted on tennis courts or other areas not designed for such use. They must not be operated in an unsafe manner within all park sites.
      (3)   The public agency having ownership or control over any trail, path, lane, way or walkway referred to in these guidelines may, by posting an appropriate sign or signs, further restrict the use of such trail, path, lane, way or walkway by persons riding bicycles or other non-motorized vehicles or devices, or by equestrians, and when any such sign is posted no person shall disobey any prohibition, restriction, direction or other regulation expressed thereon.
   (C)   Firearms and fireworks. No person shall bring to any park and recreation facility a weapon, air-gun, bow and arrows, firecrackers, bombs, torpedoes, rockets or any other type of fireworks or pyrotechnics.
   (D)   Active sports use. All facilities are available on a first-come, first-served basis (exception: permitted users). “Permitted” users have priority to the facilities assigned by the Leisure Services Division. All facilities are not to be used during rainy day or wet field conditions (as determined by Director or designee). Park users damaging turf areas during wet field conditions may be subject to restoration costs. Permitted groups are required to call standby city staff for wet field conditions or be subject to restoration cost. Facilities are only used for the purpose they were developed, i.e., tennis courts, tennis play only. Bocce courts for bocce play only, unless specially permitted.
   (E)   Amplified sound. The use of any system for amplifying sounds, whether for speech or music or otherwise, is prohibited in any park unless an exclusive use permit is first obtained. The Director, upon granting a permit for use of any amplified sound system, may impose reasonable conditions concerning the location and position of the sound system, and the maximum decibel level, in order to minimize the amount of amplified sound audible in adjacent park areas and neighborhoods.
   AMPLIFIED MUSIC shall mean music projected and/or transmitted by electronic equipment including, but not limited to, amplifiers, loudspeakers, or any similar device.
   AMPLIFIED SPEECH shall mean speech projected and/or transmitted by electronic equipment including, but not limited to, amplifiers, loudspeakers or any similar device.
   (F)   Golf. No person shall play or practice golf or use golf clubs in any area of a park not designated for such use.
   (G)   Hardball play. No hardball play is allowed within city parks, except for those areas designated for that type of use. (Exception: permitted organized youth groups with proper equipment and supervision).
   (H)   Model airplanes. No person shall operate any motor-driven airplane, rocket or other flying model in a park.
   (I)   Loitering/public behavior. Loitering in public parks or recreational facilities is prohibited. Riotous, offensive, threatening, or indecent conduct, or abusive, threatening, profane or indecent language is prohibited in parks and recreational areas.
   (J)   Sale of goods–exhibitions. No person shall sell any goods and no person shall conduct or maintain any show, performance, concert, place of amusement or exhibition, or station or place any stand, cart or vehicle for the transportation, sale or display of any such goods, wares, merchandise, article or thing on any park or recreation area, without first having obtained written permission to do so from the Director or his/her designee and securing the necessary city and/or state permits.
   (K)   Advertising. No person shall place or affix any handbills, circulars, pamphlets, or advertisement to any tree, fence, shrub or structure without written approval from the Director.
   (L)   Tennis courts. Tennis courts are for tennis play only. Tennis shoes must be worn on the courts. The following rules of play are to be observed: One set for singles; two sets for doubles. Doubles teams have a priority. Rotation is by order of arrival. There is no reserving of courts. (Exception: tournaments and lessons by reservation permit only). Skateboards, bikes, pets, roller blades and skates, food and drink is prohibited on the tennis courts.
   (M)   Restrooms, dressing rooms and washrooms. Men shall not use any restroom or washroom facility for women, and women shall not use any restroom or washroom facility for men. This shall not apply to children under six years of age accompanied by an adult. No person shall loiter in or about restroom or washroom facilities, nor shall any person use such facilities for purposes inconsistent with their intended purpose.
(Ord. 915-C-S, passed 2-27-96)
§ 10-2.09 ANIMALS.
   (A)   Access/facilities. No person owning or otherwise having a dog or other animal in his care, charge, control, custody, or possession shall cause, permit, or allow such dog or other animal to be in or upon any public park, playground, or public school unless such dog or other animal is under restraint by leash or chain. The leash or chain shall not exceed six feet in length. The owner of every animal shall immediately remove any excreta deposited by his/her animal on public walks, park, recreation areas, roadways, streets, school grounds, or private property.
   (B)   Horses and livestock. Horses and other livestock shall be permitted only on those trails and in those areas specifically designated for equestrian use. (Exception: permitted by agreement or authority of Director or designee).
(Ord. 915-C-S, passed 2-27-96)