In this title, the following words have the meanings indicated:
(1) "Blight" means a deteriorated condition on or around an unattended donation box, and includes donation collection overflow, graffiti, damaged signs, peeling paint, rust, broken operating mechanisms, dumped material, junk, litter, garbage, trash, debris, or other refuse material.
(2) "Operator" means a person, entity, association, or organization who places, maintains, or operates an unattended donation box.
(3) "Property owner" means the person, entity, association or organization who owns the real property where an unattended donation box is located or is proposed to be located.
(4) "Unattended donation box" means an unattended drop-off box, container, receptacle, or similar device used for soliciting and collecting donations of personal property items.
(Bill No. 72-20)
Except for unattended donation boxes that are enclosed within a structure or accessory to a principal use on the property, it is unlawful for a property owner or operator to place, operate, maintain, or allow an unattended donation box on real property without a valid registration as required by this title. A separate registration is required for each unattended donation box.
(Bill No. 72-20)
(a) Application. An application for registration of an unattended donation box shall include:
(1) a signed authorization from the property owner allowing the placement of an unattended donation box on a property;
(2) the name, address, email, website, if available, and telephone number, with recording capability, of the operator of the unattended donation box;
(3) a vicinity map showing the proposed or actual location of the unattended donation box on the property; and
(4) proof of the operator's 501(c)(3) non-profit status, if applicable.
(b) Registration. Upon the filing of a complete application by the applicant and approval of the location of an unattended donation box by the Department, the Department shall register the unattended donation box.
(c) Fee. An application for registration shall be accompanied by a registration fee in the amount of $40.00 unless the unattended donation box operator is a non-profit organization exempt from taxation under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
(Bill No. 72-20)
(a) Expiration. An unattended donation box registration expires two years after the date of issuance.
(b) Renewal. Any application for registration renewal shall be filed at least one month prior to expiration of the registration. The application shall confirm or update the information provided in the original application. The Department may not accept the renewal if there are open citations, unpaid fines, or unresolved violations or complaints relating to the unattended donation box.
(Bill No. 72-20)
(a) Blight. No blight shall be on or around an unattended donation box.
(b) Condition of unattended donation boxes. An unattended donation box shall be maintained in good working order and in good condition.
(c) Servicing. An unattended donation box shall be serviced not less than weekly between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on weekdays and 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on weekends. Servicing includes the removal of collected donated material in or around the unattended donation box.
(d) Contact information. An unattended donation box shall contain visible contact information for the operator, including the operator's telephone number with recording capability.
(Bill No. 72-20)