   1.20.010   Application of chapter.
   1.20.020   Definitions.
   1.20.030   Notices of violation.
   1.20.035   Preliminary review.
   1.20.040   Civil citations.
   1.20.050   Citation contents.
   1.20.060   Service of citations and notices.
   1.20.070   Civil fines.
   1.20.080   Request for administrative review.
   1.20.090   Waiver of fine deposit.
   1.20.100   Administrative review.
   1.20.110   Decision and administrative order.
   1.20.120   Judicial review.
   1.20.130   Collection of unpaid fines.
   1.20.140   Lien procedure.
*   Prior ordinance history: Ords. 3190, 5774.
   For code adoption and construction, including violations and enforcement, see Chapter 1.01
   For uniform codes pertaining to building and construction, including violations and enforcement, see Chapter 15.02
   .010   This chapter makes any violation of the provisions of this Code subject to civil fines as herein set forth.
   .020   This chapter establishes the administrative procedure for the imposition, enforcement, collection, and administrative review of civil fines pursuant to Government Code Section 53069.4 and the City's general police power as a charter city.
   .030   The purpose of issuing civil citations pursuant to this chapter is to encourage voluntary and complete compliance with the provisions of this Code without the imposition of criminal penalties.
   .040   The issuance of a civil citation under this chapter is solely at the City's discretion and is only one option the City has to address violations of this Code. By adopting this chapter, the City does not intend to limit its discretion, or the discretion of its officers and employees, to use any other remedy, civil or criminal, which may be available in a particular case. The procedure set forth in this chapter may be used as an alternative to, or in conjunction with, any other available civil and/or criminal remedies. (Ord. 5930 1 (part); July 27, 2004.)