.010 The amount of the fines for violating particular provisions of this Code shall be as set forth in a schedule of fines adopted by resolution of the City Council of the City. The schedule may include escalating fine amounts for repeat violations occurring within specified periods of time. Unless such schedule of fines as adopted by said resolution of the City Council separately and specifically sets forth the amount of the fines for violations of Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code relating to temporary or portable signs, flags, banners or balloons, the amount of the fine for any such violation shall be twice the otherwise applicable amount set forth in said schedule.
.020 The schedule of fines may also specify the amount of interest and/or late payment penalty, if any, owed for any fine not paid when due. Any interest and/or late payment penalty shall be imposed for fines not paid within thirty (30) days of their due date, or such other time as specified in the resolution adopting and specifying said interest and/or penalties.
.030 Fines are due on the date the citation is issued, except, when a fine deposit has been waived pursuant to Section 1.20.090 of this chapter and the Hearing Officer thereafter upholds the citation and the amount of the fine, in whole or part, the fine amount shall be due on the date notice of the decision is given to the citee by the Hearing Officer, as provided in this chapter.
.040 Any civil fine(s), penalties and interest due pursuant to this chapter shall be paid to the City Finance Department at such location or address as designated by the Manager.
.050 Payment of a civil fine shall not excuse the citee from correcting the Code violation for which the citation was issued. The issuance of a citation and/or payment of a fine does not bar the City from taking any other enforcement action regarding a Code violation that is not corrected, including issuing additional civil citations, nor bar any other civil or criminal enforcement action(s) as may be authorized by law for any uncorrected or subsequent violation of the same or any other Code provision.
.060 Any civil fine imposed pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be separate and apart from any reinspection fee(s) due pursuant to Section 1.01.389 or any other applicable provision of this Code. (Ord. 5930 1 (part); July 27, 2004: Ord. 6054 § 4; April 24, 2007.)