   .010   At the conclusion of the administrative review hearing, or within fifteen days thereafter, the Hearing Officer shall render a decision as follows:
   .0101   Determine that the violation for which the citation was issued occurred, and impose a fine in the amount set forth in the fine schedule adopted by the City Council, and if the violation has not been corrected as of the date of the hearing, order correction of the violation; or
   .0102   Determine that the violation for which the citation was issued occurred, but that the citee, or his or her representative, has introduced credible and substantial evidence of mitigating circumstances warranting imposition of a lesser fine than that prescribed in the fine schedule adopted by the City Council, or no fine at all, and imposing such lesser fine, if any, and if the violation has not been corrected as of the date of the hearing, order correction of the violation; or
   .0103   Determine that the violation for which the citation was issued did not occur, or that the condition did not constitute a violation of the Code, or that the citee is not a responsible person for such violation, and order that the citation shall be canceled.
   .020   The Hearing Officer shall issue a written decision entitled "Notice of Decision and Administrative Order" (hereinafter the "Administrative Order") no later than fifteen (15) days after the date on which the administrative review hearing is concluded. The Administrative Order shall be served upon the citee by first class mail or by any other method set forth in Section 1.20.060 of this chapter. The Administrative Order shall become final on the date of mailing or other service, and shall notify the citee of his or her right to judicial review as provided in Section 1.20.120 of this chapter. The Administrative Order shall also either: (i) set a deadline for compliance with its terms, in the absence of a timely filed appeal for judicial review as provided in Section 1.20.120, or following a denial of such appeal, which deadline shall be not less than twenty days from either the date of mailing or other service of the Administrative Order or the date of denial of any appeal for judicial, whichever date is later; or (ii) if the Hearing Officer determines, as described in paragraphs .0102 or .0103 of subsection .010 above, and the citee has made the fine deposit, order a partial or full refund of the deposit.
   .030   In the event the citee fails to comply with any final Administrative Order directing abatement of a continuing violation of the Code, the City may exercise any civil or criminal remedy available under the Code, or otherwise provided by law, to gain compliance with the Administrative Order. For purposes of this subsection, the term “continuing violation” shall mean a single, ongoing condition or activity in violation of the Code. (Ord. 5930 1 (part); July 27, 2004.)