.010 The city, at its discretion, may pursue any and all legal and equitable remedies for the collection of unpaid fines, interest and penalties, including the recordation of a lien pursuant to Section 1.20.140 of this chapter. Pursuit of one remedy does not preclude the pursuit of any other remedies until the total fines, interest and penalties owed by a person under this chapter have been collected.
.020 Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, the city may refuse to issue, extend, or renew any discretionary city permit or entitlement, or other discretionary city approval, to any person, who has unpaid delinquent fines, interest, penalties, liens or assessments due under this chapter, related to the permit, entitlement or approval. (Ord. 5930 § 1 (part); July 27, 2004.)
.010 Unpaid Fines Shall Constitute a Lien on the Property.
.0101 Whenever the amount of any administrative fine imposed by the Hearing Officer pursuant to this chapter in connection with real property has not been satisfied in full, including any applicable interest and penalties, within thirty (30) days, and/or has not been successfully challenged by a judicial review pursuant to Section 1.20.120 above, such obligation shall constitute a lien against the real property on which the violation occurred.
.0102 The lien provided herein shall have no force and effect until recorded with the County Recorder. Once recorded, the Administrative Order shall have the force and effect and priority of a judgment lien governed by the provisions of Section 697.340 of the Code of Civil Procedure, and may be extended as provided in Sections 683.110 to 683.220, inclusive, of the Code of Civil Procedure.
.0103 Interest shall accrue on the principal amount of the judgment remaining unsatisfied pursuant to law.
.0104 Prior to recording any such lien, the Manager shall prepare and file with the City Clerk a report stating the amounts due and owing.
.0105 The City Clerk shall fix a time, date, and place for hearing such report and any protests or objections thereto by the City Council of the City
.0106 The Manager shall cause written notice to be served on the property owner not less than ten (10) days prior to the time set for the hearing. Such notice shall be served as provided in Section 1.20.060 of this chapter.
.020 Public Hearing and Protests.
.0201 Any person whose real property is subject to a lien pursuant to subsection .010 above may file a written protest with the City Clerk, and/or may protest orally at the public hearing held by the City Council.
.0202 Each written protest must contain a description of the property in which the protesting party has interest and the grounds of such protest.
.0203 The City Council shall conduct the public hearing and, following the conclusion thereof, shall adopt a resolution confirming, discharging or modifying the amount of the lien.
.030 Recording of Lien. Following the adoption of a resolution by the City Council imposing a lien pursuant to this section, the City Clerk shall file the same as a judgment lien in the Office of the County Recorder of Orange County, California. The lien may carry such additional penalties and interest as set forth by resolution of the City Council.
.040 Satisfaction of Lien. Once payment in full is received by the City for all outstanding amounts due pursuant to said lien, including all accumulated penalties and interest, the Manager shall either record a notice of satisfaction or provide the property owner or any interested financial institution with a notice of satisfaction, in a form which may be recorded with the Office of the County Recorder. Such notice of satisfaction shall cancel the City's lien. (Ord. 5930 § 1 (part); July 27, 2004.)