   .010   The citee may seek judicial review of the administrative review decision, by filing an appeal with the superior court within twenty (20) calendar days after the citee receives a copy of the notice of decision following the conclusion of the hearing, in accordance with the provisions of California Government Code section 53069.4. The appeal filed with the court shall also contain a proof of service, showing a copy of the appeal was served upon the Anaheim City Attorney's Office. The citee must pay to the superior court the statutory filing fee when the appeal is filed. If the citee fails to file a timely notice of appeal for judicial review, the Administrative Order shall be deemed final.
   .020   No appeal is permitted from a decision regarding:
   .0201   A request for preliminary review;
   .0202   An extension of the correction period for any violation;
   .0203   A request for waiver of the fine deposit;
   .0204   A decision the citee is deemed to have abandoned the contest of due to his or her failure to appear at the hearing or failure to make the fine deposit.
   .030   The city attorney shall forward to the superior court, within fifteen (15) days of its request, the pertinent citation documents for any case appealed to that court. If the superior court cancels any citation, the city will refund any fine deposit made. (Ord. 5930 § 1 (part); July 27, 2004.)