No person will break, deface, interfere with, or disturb any machinery, apparatus, fixtures, or attachments that are part of the water works of the city. This includes any public or private hydrants, hoses, or water troughs, stop cocks, meters, service pipes, or any other part. No person shall deposit anything in any stop or curb cock box or commit any act that will obstruct or impair the use of any of these properties. Any person or persons violating any of these provisions shall be charged with a misdemeanor. Upon conviction, they shall be fined and charged court costs and restitution for damages. If found in default of payment of these fines and costs, they may be placed in jail until the fines and costs have been paid and for a term determined by the Blue Earth County court system.
(Ord. 107, passed 7-3-1995) Penalty, see § 10.99