(A)   Service pipes. Every service pipe shall be laid with sufficient bend to allow not less than 1 foot of extra length and in the manner as to prevent rupture by settlement. The service pipe shall be placed not less than 6 feet below the surface and be so arranged as to prevent rupture by freezing. A shut-off or other stop cock with waste valve of the size and strength required shall be placed close to the inside wall of the building and be well protected from freezing. Connections with the mains for domestic supply shall be at least 3/4 of an inch.
   (B)   Supply from one service. No more than 1 house or building shall be supplied from 1 service connection except by special permission of the Council. Whenever 2 or more parties are supplied from 1 pipe connecting with a service main, each building or part of building separately supplied shall have a separate stop box and a separate meter.
   (C)   Water meters. All water meters used in connection with the water works system of the City of Amboy shall be straight reading U.S. gallons and of a standard manufacture and to be put in place or removed under the supervision of the Public Maintenance Supervisor. Repairs of meters shall be performed by employees of the city. All newly installed meters must be of the outdoor read variety to provide ready access to reading. The cost of all meters, the placing in connection with the water works or removing of same and the keeping of the meters in repair and good working condition will be at the expense of the city. If a meter is in disrepair and fails to register property, the applicant will receive an estimated billing. The estimation will, if possible, be equal to the average quarterly consumption for the most recent 12-month period. If this is not possible, the estimation will be for 5,000 gallons for each adult living in the household and 2,500 gallons for each child residing in the residence.
   (D)   Placing of stop cocks and curb cocks. Curb stops shall be installed generally where desired by the owners of occupied properties, but they shall be placed as near as possible to the curb if on a street or within 1 foot of the alley line if the main is located in the alley. They shall be installed at an approximate depth of 6 feet below the established grade and shall be left in an accurate vertical position when back-filling is completed.
   (E)   Excavation of streets and filling. The street must be opened and the earth deposited in a manner that will cause the least inconvenience to the public and provide for the passage of water along the gutters. In refilling the trench, sand and gravel must be laid in layers not more than 6 inches in depth. Each layer must be thoroughly tamped to prevent settling. The paving, flagging, and sidewalks are to be restored to at least the same condition as prior to the excavation. All rubbish and excess earth are to be removed immediately, if possible.
   (F)   Plumber’s report. Within 48 hours after completion of any system, attachment, or connection, the plumber shall make a full report to the city. The report will include a description and plat showing the exact location and measurements from the lot lines, of the stop or curb cock, the meter and service pipes.
   (G)   Inspection. All plumbing shall be skillfully done and in a manner required by the Minnesota State Plumbing Code. It shall be subject to inspection by the City’s Building Inspector. The quality and pattern of all appurtenances shall also be subject to the Building Inspector’s approval. No work shall be covered over until examined by the City’s Maintenance Supervisor or the Building Inspector.
(Ord. 107, passed 7-3-1995)