It is unlawful for any owner or persons otherwise in possession or control of property located within the city limits to allow weeds or tall grass to grow, or trash to accumulate, on said property.
(Prior Code, § 18-98) (Ord. 796, passed 11-25-1990)
Any officer or employee of the city who discovers an accumulation of trash or the growth of grass and weeds, or both these conditions, upon any premises within the city limits, shall report such conditions to the City Inspector if such premises appear to be:
(A) Detrimental to the health, benefit, and welfare of the public and community;
(B) A hazard to traffic; or
(C) A fire hazard to the danger of property.
(Prior Code, § 18-99) (Ord. 796, passed 11-25-1990)
(A) At least ten days’ notice shall be given to the owner and/or person in possession or control of the property by certified mail with return receipt requested at the address shown by the current year’s tax rolls in the County Treasurer’s office before the City Council holds a hearing or takes action.
(B) If the property owner cannot be located, as shown by the return receipt, or if the return receipt is not returned within ten days from the date of mailing by the City Council, notice may be given by posting a copy of the notice on the property or by publication in a local newspaper which has an office in the city and is of general circulation in the city.
(Prior Code, § 18-100) (Ord. 796, passed 11-25-1990)
The notice to the owner and/or person in possession or control of the property shall contain:
(A) An order to clean the property of trash, or to cut or mow the weeds or grass on the property, and said notice shall further state that unless such work is performed within ten days after receipt of the notice, the work shall be done by the city; and a notice of lien shall be filed with the County Clerk against the property for the costs due and owing to the city;
(B) The owner and/or person in possession or control has the right of appeal to the City Council and that such appeal shall be taken by filing a written notice of appeal with the City Clerk within ten days after receipt of the notice;
(C) The owner and/or person in possession or control may give written consent to the city authorizing the removal of the trash or the mowing of the weeds or grass; and that by giving said written consent, he or she waives his or her right to a hearing by the City Council and agrees to pay the costs for the work done; and
(D) If the city abates the nuisance, then any accumulation of trash or excessive weed or grass growth on the property occurring within six months after the removal of trash or cutting or mowing of weeds or grass on the property pursuant to such notice may be summarily abated by the city; and the costs of such abatement shall be assessed against the owner; and a lien may be imposed on the property to secure such payment, all without further prior notice to the property owner.
(Prior Code, § 18-101) (Ord. 796, passed 11-25-1990)
(A) Upon a finding that the condition of the property constitutes a detriment or hazard, and that the property would be benefitted by the removal of such conditions, the agents of the city are granted the right of entry on the property for the removal of trash, mowing of weeds or grass, and performance of the necessary duties as a governmental function of the city.
(B) Immediately following the cleaning or mowing of the property, the City Clerk shall file a notice of lien with the County Clerk describing the property and the work performed by the city, and stating that the city claims a lien on said property for the cleaning or mowing costs.
(Prior Code, § 18-102) (Ord. 796, passed 11-25-1990)
If the City Council causes property within the city limits to be cleaned of trash and weeds or grass to be cut or mowed in accordance with § 18-101, any subsequent accumulation of trash or excessive weeds or grass occurring within a six-month period may be declared to be a nuisance and may be summarily abated without further prior notice to the property owner.
(Prior Code, § 18-103) (Ord. 796, passed 11-25-1990)
Statutory reference:
Similar provisions, see 11 O.S. § 22-111(A)(1)