22.20.010 General provisions
22.20.020 Prefiling conference
22.20.030 Form and contents
22.20.040 Accompanying data and reports
22.20.050 Filing of tentative map
22.20.060 Distribution of tentative maps
22.20.070 Tentative tract map for by right project
22.20.080 Notice of public hearings
22.20.090 Action by the Planning Commission
22.20.100 Approval
22.20.110 Denial
22.20.120 Appeals of Planning Commission action
22.20.130 Extensions of time for Planning Commission action
22.20.140 Expiration of approved tentative maps
22.20.150 Amendments of approved tentative maps
22.20.160 Effect of annexation upon approved tentative tract map
The form and contents, application requirements and approval of tentative maps for a proposed subdivision shall be in accordance with the Map Act and this title. The tentative tract map shall be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer or licensed Land Surveyor.
('86 Code, § 22.20.010) (Ord. 4120, passed - - )