(A)   The Department of Community Development shall forward copies of the tentative map to the following agencies which may, in turn, forward to the Director of Community Development, their findings and recommendations. Public agencies and utilities shall certify that the subdivision can be adequately served. These agencies include: City Department of Public Works, City Police Department, City Fire Department, City Community Development Department, local school district, and other affected agencies or property owners as deemed necessary by the Director of Community Development.
   (B)   Within ten days of the filing of a tentative map, the Community Development Department shall send notice of the filing of the tentative map to the governing board of any elementary, high school or unified school district within the boundaries of which the subdivision is proposed to be located. The notice shall also contain information about the location of the proposed subdivision, the number of units, density, and any other information which would be relevant to the affected school district. The Governing Board may review the notice and may send a written report to the agency required by law to approve the tentative map. The report shall indicate the impact of the proposed subdivision on the affected school district and shall make recommendations as the Governing Board of the district deems appropriate. In the event the school district fails to respond within a 15 working day period from receipt of notice of the tentative map, the failure shall be deemed approval of the proposed subdivision by the school district. The Planning Commission shall consider the report from the school district in approving, conditionally approving or denying the tentative map.
   (C)   Cal. Gov't Code § 66453 provides that a local agency may make recommendations concerning proposed subdivisions to any adjoining city or adjoining unincorporated area within three miles of the local agency. That section of the Map Act provides that a local agency which desires to make recommendations, shall file with the adjoining agency a map indicating the territory which it desires to make the recommendations. When the city receives such a territorial map, it shall thereafter transmit to the agency one copy of each tentative map of sub-divisions located wholly or partially within the territory outlined on the map. The agency must respond within 15 days of receipt of the tentative map. The recommendations of the agency shall be taken into consideration before action is taken on the tentative map. The changes shown on the draft should be incorporated to reflect these requirements.
('86 Code, § 22.20.060) (Ord. 4120, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 4735, passed 5-14-18)