Every person within the city is hereby prohibited from throwing any stone or other projectile, either by hand or by means of any instrument or device of any kind whatsoever at, or otherwise breaking, mutilating or destroying, any electrolier, electric light bulb, electric light globe, electric light reflector or any apparatus or appliance used in connection with, or as a part of the electric light system of the city, whether belonging to the city or to the Pacific Light and Power Company, a corporation, or to any other person. This section shall also apply to any street sign or street signpost belonging to the city.
('86 Code, § 9.56.010) (Ord. 456, passed - - ) Penalty, see § 1.12.010
It shall be unlawful for any person to deface, mar, injure or disfigure any tree situated within any public street, highway, park or parkway or other public place within the city or any building, bridge or other property belonging to the city, by painting, cutting, scratching or breaking the same or by attaching or affixing anything thereto.
('86 Code, § 9.56.020) (Ord. 1222, passed - - ) Penalty, see § 1.12.010
It shall be unlawful for any person, except the owners thereof, to cut, tamper with, release, remove or otherwise interfere with any electric light wires, electric service wires, telephone wires, telegraph wires, fire alarm system wires, or any other wires in the city by which electric energy, sound or intelli-gence is transmitted, or to deface, break, tamper with, remove, molest or otherwise interfere with any of the appliances or appurtenances, for the maintenance of the wires or the transmission of such electric energy, sound or intelligence, without first having obtained from the owners thereof permission to do so.
('86 Code, § 9.56.030) (Ord. 253, passed - - ) Penalty, see § 1.12.010