The manufacture of liquefied hydrocyanic acid within the city is hereby prohibited.
('86 Code, § 6.12.050) (Ord. 1012, passed - - ) Penalty, see § 1.12.010
All liquefied hydrocyanic acid within the city shall be kept at a temperature of not exceeding 75° F.
('86 Code, § 6.12.060) (Ord. 1012, passed - - ) Penalty, see § 1.12.010
Any person engaged in the business of fumi-gating within the city shall maintain at a designated place, suitable storage facilities where all liquefied hydrocyanic acid used by such person shall be kept when not in actual use for the purpose of fumigation or in the course of transportation. Such storage facilities shall be of a kind and at a place approved by the Health Officer.
('86 Code, § 6.12.070) (Ord. 1012, passed - - ) Penalty, see § 1.12.010
No liquefied hydrocyanic acid shall be kept in storage within the city for a period to exceed two weeks. Not more than 100 gallons of liquefied hydro-cyanic acid shall be kept in storage at any place at any time.
('86 Code, § 6.12.080) (Ord. 1012, passed - - ) Penalty, see § 1.12.010
Upon each liquefied hydrocyanic acid container when at points of use there shall be conspicuously marked in letters not less than two inches high the word “POISON.”
('86 Code, § 6.12.090) (Ord. 1012, passed - - ) Penalty, see § 1.12.010