2.60.040 Reimbursement for attendance at conventions, conferences; form to be filed
2.60.050 Advance expense estimate
2.60.060 Adopting regulations for securing data
2.60.070 Reimbursement for entertainment
2.60.080 Salary continuance
2.60.090 Expense statement
2.60.100 Manager may grant exceptions
Any city official or city employee intending to attend a convention, conference or meeting or who is required to attend to city business which pertains to municipal affairs which would be of benefit to the city in the discharge of his work, shall file, on a form provided by the Director of Finance, a request with the City Manager, approved by the city official or by the department head, giving the dates of meetings and the place where business is to be transacted, an itemized estimated expense statement and an estimated statement of any other expenditure that the official or employee believes it may be necessary to incur in connection with attendance at the convention, conference, meeting or business on behalf of the city. Only those meetings and expenses authorized in the annual budget may be applied for as provided herein. Meetings and expenses not authorized in the budget shall not be reimbursed except after application to and approval of the City Council.
('86 Code, § 2.60.040) (Ord. 2959, passed - - )
(A) Applying in advance. Any city official or employee intending to attend any convention, conference or meeting may apply for and secure an advance for his expenses, if approved by the City Manager and provided for in the budget, and shall give a general itemized statement of expenditures upon his return.
(B) Per diem rate. If the City Manager so elects, he may determine a per diem rate which shall include all expenses except transportation and registration for the convention. If the City Manager designates such a per diem rate, the city officials or employees attending the convention shall not be entitled to any reimbursement or payment in excess of the per diem rate, except for transportation and registration, and the city officials or employees, upon their return from the convention or conference, shall not be required to submit an itemized statement of their expenditures, but shall be required to submit a general statement of the number of days to which they are entitled to such a per diem rate, together with an itemized statement of their expenditures for trans-portation and registration.
(C) Forms. The Director of Finance is hereby authorized to prepare for use any forms needed to give necessary data of expenditures by city officials or employees.
('86 Code, § 2.60.050) (Ord. 3130, passed - - )
No reimbursement shall be made for other expenditures or for expenses incurred in connection with entertainment or for transportation, lodging, meals or other expenses in connection with sidetrips, stop-overs or visits to cities other than the convention or conference city, unless the expenses or visits have been authorized by the City Council prior to being incurred.
('86 Code, § 2.60.070) (Ord. 2596, passed - - )