17.25.100 Additional Requirements for Service Stations
   (a)   Conditional Use Permit
      A Conditional Use Permit (CUP) shall be required for the continued operation, or establishment of a new or expanded service station if one, or more, of the following circumstances apply:
      (1)   Any new service station.
      (2)   An alteration, expansion, or modification in the floor area of an existing service station. Any such alteration, expansion, or modification shall be subject to the requirements of this Section.
      (3)   Any alteration, expansion, or modification in the land area on which the service station is located, whether by purchase, lease, business or lot combination or acquisition, or similar method. Any such alteration, expansion, or modification shall be subject to the requirements of this Section.
      (4)   The introduction of any new accessory uses permitted under Section 17.25.020 (Permitted Uses, Accessory Uses, Temporary Uses and Conditional Uses), and Appendix A , or introduction of alcoholic beverage sales, per Section 17.25.060 (Alcoholic Beverage Establishments), or any similar change in the operational characteristics of the service station shall be subject to the requirements of this section.
      (5)   All Conditional Use Permit (CUP) applications shall comply with all development standards for service stations identified in Section 17.25.100 , and all other applicable codes and regulations.
   (b)   Operational Regulations
      The following operational regulations shall apply to service stations and accessory uses in conjunction with service stations:
      (1)   Location of Activities
         All activities and operations shall be conducted entirely within an enclosed structure, except for the following, which shall be permitted unless otherwise conditioned by the Conditional Use Permit (CUP):
         A.   Sales and dispensing of motor vehicle fuel;
         B.   Incidental, minor maintenance commonly conducted at service islands, such as dispensing of air and water, replacement of windshield wipers, fuses, and lamps, and replenishing motor vehicle fluids and lubricants.
      (2)   Parking and Vehicle Storage
         A.   Off-street parking shall be provided as specified in Chapter 17.65 (Parking and Loading).
         B.   No vehicles or equipment may be stored outside. All vehicles being serviced or waiting to be serviced shall be stored indoors. Vehicles waiting for same day service may be parked only in parking spaces and may not be left outdoors overnight.
         C.   The parking of vehicles and equipment for purposes of sale is prohibited.
         D.   The storage of rental vehicles shall not occupy any parking space provided to meet the parking requirements of the service station or any other accessory use.
         E.   No vehicles shall be parked or stored in the public right-of-way.
         F.   Fuel and product delivery trucks shall not obstruct the public right-of-way during delivery or create any vehicle stacking on the street. A service station attendant shall be responsible for monitoring and directing traffic during fuel or product deliveries to ensure that no adverse impacts are created.
      (3)   Signs
         Signs shall be subject to the provisions of Chapter 17.70 (Signs).
   (c)   Design and Development Regulations (also see Chapter 17.15).
      (1)   The following design and development regulations shall apply to any new service station and to any existing service station meeting any of the criteria specified in Chapter 17.130 (Conditional Use Permit).
      (2)   All service station sites shall front on streets designated as Super Arterial, Major Arterial, or Major Collector on the Circulation Element Map, Figure V-4 of the General Plan.
      (3)   The minimum lot size for service stations is 20,000 square feet.
      (4)   All service stations shall have a minimum street frontage of one-hundred twenty-five (125) feet.
      (5)   The following setbacks shall be maintained:
Required Setback (Feet) Interior
Required Setback (Feet) Abutting a Street
Pump Islands*
Air and water dispensers
Automobile carwash,
and repair**
Retail and office**
*   All pump islands shall be covered by a canopy.
**   All buildings and structures shall be set back twenty (20) feet from Residentially zoned properties, or properties used for residential purposes.
      (6)   Access
         A.   Driveways shall be designed and located to ensure safe and efficient movement of traffic on and off the site to and from the lane of traffic nearest the curb. All driveways shall be located and constructed according to the City standards.
         B.   Driveways for service stations which are developed as part of, or in conjunction with adjacent uses shall be compatible with the overall circulation of adjacent uses.
         C.   On-site driveways shall be a minimum of twenty-six (26) feet wide for two-way traffic or twenty (20) feet wide for one-way traffic.
         D.   Provisions for on-site queuing lanes shall be made.
         E.   Queuing lanes shall not interfere with access to required parking spaces and driveways.
      (7)   All drainage to the street shall be by underground structures to avoid drainage across City walks or drive aprons, and shall be subject to approval by the City Engineer. Drainage shall be handled in a manner that will not allow fuel to drain into any city or public storm drain system (if present). Fuel spill must be able to be contained on-site.
      (8)   The following use classifications shall be permitted as accessory uses to a service station, subject to the approval of Conditional Use Permit (CUP), or an amendment to an existing CUP, pursuant to Chapter 17.130 (Conditional Use Permits).
         A.   Convenience markets
         B.   Automated or Hand Car Wash
         C.   Minor Auto Repair / Service (all work to be performed indoors)
         D.   Electronic equipment installation (all work to be performed indoors)
         E.   Rental of Trailer, Trucks and Vehicles shall be permitted as an accessory use subject to the following:
            i.   The rental equipment does not occupy or interfere with the required parking for the service station.
            ii.   The rental operation is clearly incidental to and secondary to the primary use; and
            iii.   Rental equipment shall not obstruct vehicle or pedestrian access or line-of-sight
[Ord. No. 474, Section 5, 5/28/08; Ord. No. 515, Exhibit G, 5/22/13; Ord. No. 528, Exhibit I, 9/10/14.]