17.25.040 Development Standards
    (a)   Development Standards Table.
      Table 25-1 sets forth minimum development standards for commercial development projects. The site development criteria set forth in the following subsection are intended to provide minimum standards for the development and use of land within the commercial districts. These site development criteria should be used in conjunction with the adopted Design Standards in Chapter 17.15 of this Zoning Code. Use of the design standards in conjunction with these criteria will assist the designer in determining the best design for any given development project.
TABLE 25-1
Development Standard
Zone District
A.   Minimum Project Size, GLA
10,000 sf
B.    Minimum Lot Dimensions
   • Width
   • Depth
100 ft.
100 ft.
C.   Maximum Height (a)
45 ft.
D.   Landscaping Required
At least 5 % of the project area (exclusive of areas within a public right of way) must be landscaped.
E.   Parking Lot Landscaping
At least 5% of parking areas (exclusive of loading areas) must be landscaped. This landscaping may be counted toward the total site area landscaping required in item D above.
F.   Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR)
No maximum floor-to-area ratio; FAR will be subject to meeting parking and landscaping standards
G.   Minimum Front Yard Setback
   • Setback to Building
   • Setback to Parking Area
25 ft.
10 ft.
H.   Minimum Side Yard Setback
   • All Street Sides
   • All others (b)
25 ft.
10 ft.
I.   Minimum Rear Yard Setback (c)
20 ft.
Abbreviations: sf = square feet; ft. = feet; GLA = gross land area
Notes:   (a)   On lots located adjacent to a residential zone district, building height shall be limited to thirty-five (35) feet.
   (b)   Only one side yard is required. If a site adjoins a property zoned for residential, open space, or institutional uses, then the side yard must be provided on that side. (c) Architectural elements for churches, such as steeples, may exceed the maximum height and shall not to exceed seventy-five (75) feet.
   (b)   Parking and Loading
      Parking and loading requirements are subject to Chapters 17.65 (Parking and Loading) and 17.15 (Design Review) of this Zoning Code.
   (c)   Trash enclosures
      Trash enclosures shall be provided for any lot or parcel for the temporary storage and collection of trash, rubbish, and/or garbage in accordance with all of the following requirements:
      (1)   Trash enclosures may be located within a building, or if in the open, shall be enclosed by a decorative masonry wall, architecturally compatible with the main building. Such trash enclosure shall include a solid gate for bin access and a separate view obscuring pedestrian access.
      (2)   All trash enclosures visible from streets or public parking areas shall be constructed and finished to be compatible with the architectural details and decor of the primary structure.
      (3)   All trash enclosures shall be regularly cleaned and maintained;
      (4)   All trash containers and trash bins shall incorporate a tight-fitting lid;
      (5)   All trash enclosures shall be located for convenient access by occupants of the site and vehicular access for pick-up and disposal.
      (6)   Trash enclosures are prohibited in the front setback, or any setback areas abutting residential zones, or properties used for residential purposes.
   (d)   Mechanical equipment, utilities, satellite dishes
      Mechanical equipment, utilities, or similar machinery located outside of the exterior walls of any building, including roof-mounted equipment, shall be completely screened from view from any public right-of-way or adjacent residential uses by either view-obscuring landscaping, or architectural features compatible with the main structure(s). All such mechanical equipment, utilities, and satellite dishes shall be maintained to prevent collection of trash and debris and to avoid any unnecessary noise or vibration.
   (e)   Signs
      Signs require separate review and approval and shall be in compliance with Chapter 17.70 (Signs).
   (f)   On-site Lighting
      (1)   All on-site lighting shall be energy efficient, stationary and directed away from adjoining properties and public rights-of-way.
      (2)   Light fixtures shall be shielded so no light is emitted above the horizontal plane of the bottom of the light fixture.
      (3)   Light fixtures shall be shielded so no light above 0.5 footcandle spills over onto adjacent properties and rights-of-way. There shall be no spillover (0.0 footcandle) onto adjacent residential used or zoned properties.
   (g)   Landscaping/Water Conservation
      All landscaping shall comply with the requirements of Chapters 17.60, Landscaping/Water Conservation and 17.15 Design Review of this Zoning Code.
   (h)   Buffering and Screening
      (1)   A minimum eight (8) foot high masonry wall shall be provided adjacent to any residentially zoned areas.
      (2)   A low wall, berm, or solid landscaped hedge shall be provided between public streets and parking and driveway areas to screen parking areas, per Chapter 17.60 (Landscaping/Water Conservation).
[Ord. No. 474, Section 5, 5/28/08; Ord. No. 515, Exhibit G, 5/22/13; Ord. No. 528, Exhibit I, 9/10/14.]