A.   Width: The total outside width of any vehicle or load thereon shall not be in excess of that allowed by 625 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/15-102 in effect and as amended from time to time. (2006 Code § 9-9-1)
   B.   Height: The height of a vehicle shall not exceed the provisions of 625 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/15-103 in effect and as amended from time to time. (2006 Code § 9-9-2)
   C.   Weight Limitations:
      1.   No vehicle or combination of vehicles shall be operated, unladen or with load, upon any street of the City in excess of the authorized gross weight provided for that street.
      2.   The gross weight limit of eighty thousand (80,000) pounds shall apply on the following streets, or parts thereof, within the City:
Bernard Street between Illinois State Highway 41 (Commercial Drive) on the east and the corporate limits of the City on the west.
Cedar Township Road No. 1 between Martin Street on the south and the corporate limits of the City on the north.
Fearing Avenue between Cline Road on the south and the corporate limits of the City on the north.
First Street between Ellison Street on the west and the corporate limits of the City on the east.
Hunter Street between Illinois State Highway 41 (Monroe Street) on the west and Main Street on the east.
Illinois State Highway 41 (Monroe Street, Western Avenue, and Commercial Drive).
Jefferson Street between Martin Street on the north and Mill Road on the south.
Latimer Street between Illinois State Highway 41 (Monroe Street) on the west and Austin Street on the east.
Main Street between Hunter Street on the north and Martin Street on the south.
Martin Street.
Mill Road between Jefferson Street on the west and Front Street on the east.
Monmouth Street between Illinois State Highway 41 (Monroe Street) on the west and Washington Street on the east.
Sanitary Road between Illinois State Highway 41 (Commercial Drive) on the west and Indian Point Township Road No. 250 East on the east.
Washington Street between Hunter Street on the north and 707 North Washington Street on the south.
Washington Street between Monmouth Street on the north and Latimer Street on the south.
      3.   The gross weight limit of ten thousand (10,000) pounds shall apply on all other road surfaces within the City, except when a different weight limit is established and posted. (2006 Code § 9-9-3; amd. Ord. 2008-8, 9-2-2008; Ord. 2009-7, 5-18-2009; Ord. 2019-4, 6-17-2019)
   D.   Exemptions: The provisions herein governing size and weight do not apply to any of the following vehicles:
      1.   Firefighting apparatus;
      2.   Equipment for snow and ice removal operations owned and operated by any governmental unit;
      3.   Construction equipment, vehicles delivering building materials for construction, and vehicles hauling or mixing materials for concrete;
      4.   Moving vans;
      5.   School buses;
      6.   Garbage and recycling trucks;
      7.   Vehicles of utility companies, railroads, and the Illinois Department of Transportation;
      8.   Vehicles of burial vault companies;
      9.   Recreational vehicles; and
      10.   Any vehicle operated under the terms of a special permit issued hereunder. (2006 Code § 9-9-4; amd. Ord. 2008-8, 9-2-2008; Ord. 2009-7, 5-18-2009)
   E.   Permit For Excessive Size And Weight:
      1.   The Superintendent of Public Works, pursuant to authority of the City Council, may, upon application in writing, issue a special permit in writing authorizing the applicant to operate or move a vehicle or combination of vehicles of a size or weight of vehicle or load exceeding the maximum specified by State law, or otherwise not in conformity with the provisions of State law, upon any street within the City.
      2.   Where a permit is sought for overweight, the application shall show that the load to be moved by such vehicle or combination of vehicles cannot reasonably be dismantled or disassembled.
      3.   The application for any such permit shall specifically describe the vehicle and load to be operated or moved and the particular streets on which a permit to operate is requested.
      4.   The Superintendent of Public Works, pursuant to authority of the City Council, is authorized to issue or withhold such permit at his discretion; or, if such permit is issued, to limit the number of trips or to establish seasonal or other limitations within which the vehicles described may be operated on the streets indicated, or otherwise to limit or prescribe conditions of operation of such vehicle when necessary to assure against undue damage to the road foundations, surfaces or structures, and may require such undertaking or other security as may be deemed necessary to compensate for any injury to any roadway or road structure.
      5.   Every such permit shall be carried in the vehicle or combination of vehicles to which it refers and shall be open to inspection by any police officer or authorized agent of the superintendent of public works. No person shall violate any of the terms or conditions of such special permit. (2006 Code §§ 9-3-1-14, 9-9-5)
   F.   Penalty: Any person violating the provisions of this section concerning width, height, or weight, or violating any terms or condition of a special permit, shall be subject to a fine of not less than four hundred dollars ($400.00) and not more than seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00) for each violation. (2006 Code § 9-9-6)