A.   Preliminary Plat:
      1.   Any person proposing to subdivide land shall file with the city clerk seven (7) copies of a preliminary plat of the proposed subdivision, together with the filing fee specified in subsection 9-9-5A of this chapter and any application form which may then be prescribed. The city clerk shall deliver the plat to the administrative officer, who shall cause the plan commission to convene for consideration of the plat at a public hearing. No hearing shall be held by the plan commission until notice thereof has been given by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the city at least seven (7) days prior to the date of the hearing. The preliminary plat shall show:
         a.   The boundaries of the property and all existing section lines, streets, buildings, watercourses and other physical features in and adjoining the area to be subdivided.
         b.   The locations and sizes of sanitary and storm sewers, water mains, culverts, and other underground structures in or near the property.
         c.   The location and width of proposed streets, alleys, lots, building and setback lines, and easements.
         d.   The proposed title of the subdivision and the name, address, and telephone number of the engineer, the registered land surveyor, and the subdivider.
         e.   Contours at intervals of two feet (2') or less.
         f.   The north point, scale and date.
         g.   Plans or written statements setting out the proposed grades or profiles of the streets and other improvements proposed and their means of accomplishment, as required in section 9-9-4 of this chapter.
      2.   If the plan commission finds that the proposed plat satisfies the requirements of this chapter, it shall approve the plat and recommend final approval by the city council on submission of such plat pursuant to subsection B of this section. If the plan commission finds otherwise, it shall specify in writing the objections found to such plat and may either recommend disapproval or recommend approval conditioned upon specific changes in the plat. One copy of the proposed plat, together with the plan commission's findings thereon, shall be filed by the plan commission with the city clerk for submission to the city council.
   B.   Final Plat:
      1.   The final plat shall consist of an accurate map on polyester drafting film and seven (7) paper copies, drawn to a scale of not more than one hundred feet to the inch (1" = 100') on one or more sheets not exceeding twenty four inches by thirty six inches (24" x 36"), and shall show:
         a.   The boundary lines of the area subdivided with accurate distances and angles.
         b.   The lines of all proposed streets and alleys with their widths and names and the line of departure of one street from another.
         c.   The lines of adjoining property and of adjoining streets and alleys, with their widths and names.
         d.   Any portions of the property to be dedicated or granted for public use.
         e.   The locations of all easements for public use, services, or utilities.
         f.   All lots designated by numbers or by letters and numbers.
         g.   All dimensions, both linear and angular, necessary for locating the boundaries of the subdivision, and the lots, streets, alleys, easements, and other features. (Dimensions shall be given to the nearest 1/100 of a foot.)
         h.   The radii, arcs or chords, points of tangency, and central angles for all curvilinear streets and the radii for rounded corners.
         i.   The locations and descriptions of all survey monuments.
         j.   The name of the subdivision, the scale of the plat, the north point, and the name of the owner or owners.
         k.   Certification by a registered professional Illinois land surveyor to the accuracy of the survey and the correct locations of the monuments.
         l.   Private restrictions and covenants and their effective periods. (In lieu of their lettering on the plat, these may be handled by separate instrument(s) with reference to the instrument(s) on the plat.)
         m.   Acknowledgment of the owner or owners to the plat and restrictions, including dedication to public use of all streets, alleys, parks, and other open spaces shown thereon, and the granting of the easements.
         n.   Certificate of approval by the city council for endorsement by the city clerk.
      2.   After payment to the city clerk of the fee specified in subsection 9-9-5B of this chapter, and if the final plat is in accord with all of the following:
         a.   The preliminary plat, or any modification thereof, approved by the plan commission;
         b.   All the requirements of this section;
         c.   All the requirements of section 9-9-3 of this chapter governing design requirements and standards; and
         d.   All the requirements of section 9-9-4 of this chapter specifying minimum improvements,
the final plat may be approved by the city council and so endorsed. After approval by the city council, the city clerk shall, on receipt from the subdivider of the statutory filing fees then required by the recorder, cause the final plat to be filed for record in the office of the county recorder. (2006 Code § 11-1-2)