The arrangement of streets and lots shall give due regard to the topography and other physical features of the property and shall meet the following requirements and standards:
   A.   Streets And Alleys:
      1.   Insofar as practicable, streets shall be coterminous with existing streets in adjoining areas (or their projections). In their overall arrangement, consideration shall be given to reasonable relation with any adjoining unplatted property to foster good neighborhood development and to avoid hardship in platting the adjoining areas. The angle of intersection between minor and major streets shall be within ten degrees (10°) of a right angle. Alleys shall not be provided except behind business lots. (2006 Code § 11-1-3)
      2.   The width and location of major streets shall conform with the major street plan. Streets other than major streets shall be at least fifty feet (50') wide. Where appropriate at the edge of the subdivision, a half street of thirty feet (30') in width may be dedicated. Alleys, where permitted, shall be at least twenty feet (20') wide.
   B.   Easements:
      1.   Easements of at least five feet (5') in width shall be provided on each side of all rear lot lines and on side lot lines where necessary for wires, sewers, gas, water and other utilities. (2006 Code § 11-1-3; amd. 2016 Code)
      2.   Whenever any stream or important surface drainage course is located within an area being subdivided, the subdivider shall provide an adequate easement along each side of the stream for widening, deepening, sloping, improving or protecting the stream.
   C.   Blocks: No block shall be longer than one thousand two hundred feet (1,200') nor shall it be shorter than five hundred feet (500') between cross streets, unless specifically approved by the plan commission. Cul-de-sacs and dead end streets may be permitted, where made necessary by topography or other physical conditions, up to a length of five hundred feet (500') when terminating in a turnaround having a minimum radius of fifty feet (50'). Block corners shall have an eight foot (8') radius.
   D.   Lots:
      1.   Lots shall be arranged and designed to create good building sites, properly related to topography and the character of surrounding development. All side lot lines shall be perpendicular or radial to the street lines except where a variation of this rule will provide a better street and lot layout. Lots with double frontage shall be avoided.
      2.   No lot shall have a depth of less than one hundred feet (100') or of more than three (3) times its width. Lot area and width shall meet the minimum standards provided for similar development under the zoning regulations of this code.
      3.   Corner lots shall have sufficient width to permit front yard setbacks on both streets, and at major streets and acute angle intersections (under 85 degrees), a radius of twenty feet (20') shall be used at the street corner. On business lots, a chord may be substituted for the circular arc.
   E.   Building Lines: Street setback building lines conforming with the zoning regulations of this code or official plan standards shall be shown on all lots.
   F.   Parks And School Sites: Where the duly adopted official plan proposes land for a park or school within the area being subdivided, the subdivider shall reserve such land on the subdivision plat for a period of not less than three (3) years to permit arrangements to be made for acquisition of the land by the proper public agency. (2006 Code § 11-1-3)