(A) Residence. Two spaces per dwelling unit.
(B) Commerce (retail and service/office).
(1) Eating and drinking places. One space for every two seats, and one space for every two employees on the average maximum shift. (Parking spaces for “drive-in” customers shall not be credited as a part of the off-street parking area needed to serve the sales operation conducted within the buildings.)
(2) Automobile service stations. Three spaces for each enclosed bay plus one space for each day shift employee plus a minimum of two spaces for service vehicles and one additional space for each service vehicle over two in number.
(3) Other retail stores or centers. Eleven spaces for the first 1,000 square feet of gross floor area or fraction thereof; eight spaces for each 1,000 square feet of gross floor area in excess of 1,000 square feet, but not exceeding 15,000 square feet; six spaces for each 1,000 square feet of gross floor area in excess of 15,000 square feet, but not exceeding 30,000 square feet; five and one-half spaces for each 1,000 square feet of gross floor area exceeding 30,000 square feet.
(4) Motels and hotels. One space for each unit plus one space for each employee on any one shift.
(5) Bowling establishments. Five spaces for each lane. Additional parking for food and refreshment facilities shall be determined according to division (B)(1) above.
(6) Medical and dental clinics. Three spaces for each doctor or dentist, plus one space for every two employees or one space for each 150 square feet of gross floor area, whichever requirement is the greater.
(7) Other commercial uses, excluding wholesale. One space for each 200 square feet of gross floor area.
(C) Industry and wholesale. One space for every two employees based upon maximum planned employment during any work period or one space for each 800 square feet of gross floor area, whichever requirement is greater. In the event the latter requirement is greater, adequate land area shall be provided for the required off-street parking area, but improved space need only be provided according to the employees ratio.
(D) Miscellaneous.
(1) Places of public assembly, such as churches, theaters, auditoriums (other than school auditoriums), mortuaries, stadiums, arenas, dance halls. One space for every three seats.
(2) Rest homes, nursing homes, sanitariums and homes for the aged and for children. One space for every four beds plus one space for each staff doctor.
(3) Hospitals. One space for every two beds plus one space for every two employees and one space for each staff doctor.
(4) Uses not covered by this list. Spaces as required for the most similar use as determined by the Council.
(1989 Code, § 11.70)