(A)   All storage, display, service, repair, or processing shall be conducted wholly within an enclosed building or behind an opaque fence or wall not less than six feet high, except for the outdoor storage of merchandise during business hours.
   (B)   Incineration of waste matter shall be conducted in approved equipment located within the building wherein the permitted use is conducted.
   (C)   Where a proposed C-1 development abuts an R-1, R-2, or R-3 District, other than at a public street line, buffer provisions shall be established. There shall be provided a protective strip of not less than 35 feet in width. The protective strip shall not be used for parking, driveways, off-street loading, or storage, and shall be landscaped. The landscape treatment shall contain an opaque fence or wall which shall not extend within ten feet of any street right-of-way. The fence or wall design must be approved by the Council as being in harmony with the residential neighborhood and providing sufficient screening of the commercial area. The fence or wall shall be eight feet in height. The protective strip shall contain no structures other than the approved fence or wall.
   (D)   No improvement and zoning permit shall be issued until a site and parking layout has been approved as provided in §§ 153.066 through 153.074. No parking shall be permitted within 15 feet of the street right-of-way, and this 15-foot area shall be maintained as a green strip.
   (E)   In developments of sufficient magnitude so as to require on-site water main or sewer main construction, plans for the facilities shall be designed by and installed under the supervision of a civil engineer registered in this state and shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer.
(1989 Code, § 11.63) (Ord. 82, passed 4-16-2018)