(A)   Required conditions for mobile home parks. Mobile homes and mobile home parks have special characteristics which require full consideration of their locational needs, their site layout and design, their demand upon community services and their relationship to and effect upon surrounding uses of land. Because of these characteristics, mobile home parks are permitted in the city only by planned unit development procedures in accordance with the following design and locational standards in addition to the requirements of the State Health Department.
   (B)   Site requirements.
      (1)   Minimum size. Ten acres.
      (2)   Site location. The proposed site shall have at least one property line abutting upon a major thoroughfare street or collector street, as defined by the Comprehensive Guide Plan.
      (3)   Site yard dimensions. All buildings and mobile homes within the mobile home park shall be set back a minimum of 50 feet from all property lines. The setback shall be provided with a dense combination of plant materials and earth mounds to form a buffer to adjoining property and streets. Plans for screening and landscaping shall be approved by the Planning Commission.
      (4)   Public utilities. All mobile home parks shall be serviced by a public water and sewer system. All utilities shall be installed underground.
   (C)   Design requirements.
      (1)   Maximum density of development. Six units per gross acre (gross acres being the total number of acres in the parcel, including all interior streets and open space).
      (2)   Off-street parking. A minimum of one and one-half spaces per mobile home shall be provided, exclusive of on-street parking.
      (3)   Setback. A minimum of 15 feet from all interior property lines and private streets.
      (4)   Park streets. Each home shall have direct access to a park street which shall be paved to a minimum width of 30 feet where on-street parking is permitted on one side only. Where no on-street parking is permitted and where “no parking” signs are posted, a minimum street width of 24 feet shall be permitted.
      (5)   Building height. No building shall exceed 20 feet in height.
      (6)   Parks, recreation and open space. All mobile home parks shall provide private recreation and open space areas within the park of not less than 15% of the total gross acreage therein. The Planning Commission shall recommend to the Council whether the land to be used shall be dedicated to the public or retained in the ownership of the mobile home park.
      (7)   Storage. All boats, trailers and vehicles other than automobiles shall be parked in an area specifically approved and adequately screened for that purpose. All other storage shall occur within a building or within a container designed specifically for that purpose.
(1989 Code, § 11.61)