(A) All storage shall be contained wholly within an enclosed building.
(B) The incineration of waste matter shall be conducted in approved equipment located within the building wherein the permitted use is conducted.
(C) Where a proposed R-3 development abuts an R-1 District other than a public street line, buffer provisions shall be established. The protective strip shall contain an opaque fence or a Council-approved substitute. The protective strip of at least 15 feet shall be landscaped and not used for parking, garages, driveways, off-street loading or storage. The screening device design must be approved by the Council as being in harmony with the residential neighborhood and providing sufficient screening of the multiple- dwelling area. A proposed fence shall be no less than four feet in height and shall not extend within ten feet of any street right-of-way.
(E) In developments of sufficient magnitude so as to require on-site water main or sewer main construction, plans for the facilities shall be designed by and installed under the supervision of a civil engineer registered in this state and shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer.
(F) Computation of the maximum number of units on a proposed site in the R-3 District shall be computed and adjusted as follows.
(1) The minimum land area required per unit may be reduced by 250 square feet per efficiency unit in a multiple-family dwelling.
(2) The required total minimum land area may be reduced 500 square feet for each required parking stall in or under a multiple residence or otherwise completely underground.
(3) The required total minimum land area shall be increased 250 square feet for each bedroom in excess of two in any one multiple-family dwelling unit.
(G) Certain commercial uses intended for the convenience and enjoyment of the residents of multi-family developments shall be permitted, including retail grocery shops, laundry and dry cleaning pickup stations, beauty parlors, barber shops and valet shops, within multiple-family dwellings containing 30 or more dwelling units, subject to the following conditions:
(1) The shops shall be accessible to the residents through a common hall or lobby;
(2) No advertising or display shall be visible from outside the building;
(3) The shops shall be restricted to the ground floors or sub-floors;
(4) The total area of the shops shall not exceed 50% of the total floor area of the ground level of the building;
(5) Any shop or shops not indicated on the initial approved plans shall be considered and approved by the Planning Commission and the Council before the commercial use is established; and
(6) The size and number of the shops shall represent a factor in the determination of required parking spaces for the building.
(1989 Code, § 11.62)