(A)   Signs permitted in the O-1 District and R-SF-1, R-SF-2, R-SF-3, R-SF-4 Districts.
      (1)   Individual lots containing single-family dwellings, two-family dwellings. Residential facilities for the mentally ill, residential facilities for the developmentally disabled, and child care home uses shall be permitted one ground identification or building identification sign per street frontage of the lot, identifying the name or address of the occupant; provided:
         (a)   The maximum sign surface area shall not exceed two square feet;
         (b)   The sign shall be constructed of a material(s) which blends in with the residential character of the neighborhood, such as but not limited to, wood or stone;
         (c)   The sign shall not encroach into any public right-of-way;
         (d)   The maximum height of a ground identification sign shall not exceed four feet;
         (e)   The sign shall not interfere with the vision clearance area as specified in § 194.021 of this chapter; and
         (f)   The sign shall not be internally illuminated.
      (2)   Signs for recorded, platted residential subdivisions in the R-SF-1, R-SF-2, R-SF-3 and R-SF-4 Districts. In addition to signs permitted in division (A) above for individual lots, a recorded, platted residential subdivision also shall be permitted the following signs: two ground identification signs shall be permitted at each entrance to a recorded, platted residential subdivision; provided:
         (a)   The signs shall indicate only the name of the subdivision;
         (b)   The signs shall not exceed 24 square feet in sign surface area each. If a sign is located on a fence or wall, only the area of the actual sign itself shall be calculated in determining the maximum sign surface area, not the fence or wall itself. Fence or wall height shall comply with § 194.095 of this chapter;
         (c)   The maximum height of a ground identification sign shall not exceed four feet;
         (d)   The signs shall not encroach into any public right-of-way;
         (e)   The signs shall not interfere with the vision clearance area as specified in § 194.021 of this chapter;
         (f)   Only one sign shall be permitted in each quadrant of an intersection;
         (g)   The signs shall not be internally illuminated; and
         (h)   The signs shall be surrounded by a landscaped area at least equal to the sign area of the signs erected. Landscaping shall consist of living vegetation (annuals, perennials, ornamental grasses, hedge plants or trees) and natural ground cover materials. Loose stone, rock or gravel may be used as a landscaping accent, but shall not exceed 20% of the landscaped area. Plant materials used to satisfy this provision shall not be used to satisfy the calculations of landscaping required by any other provisions of this chapter.
      (3)   Option: Entryway Feature.
         (a)   Applicability: Major subdivisions may have the option of one entryway feature per entrance from a perimeter road and/or entryway from another subdivision. This option, if chosen, shall replace signs itemized in § 194.166(A)(2), noted above.
         (b)   Limitations: The entryway feature shall not interfere with the vision clearance area as specified in § 194.021 of this chapter; nor shall it encroach into any easements and/or right-of-way per § 194.018, itemization of its footprint as common area and/or landscape easement, shall be maintained by the Home Owners Association and not adjacent lot owner(s).
         (c)   Size: The sign portion of the entryway feature shall indicate the name of the subdivision and shall not exceed 30 square feet.
         (d)   Height: Average overall height of hardscape shall not exceed 15 feet above grade and should be in proportion and scale of the development and entryway. Hardscape accent points may exceed this maximum (i.e. cupola, spire, etc.) as long as accent points are not utilized in a manner that would be interpreted as establishing a new average height. Height of sign portion of the entryway feature shall not exceed six feet from grade to top of sign, wherever located within the entryway feature.
         (e)   Landscaping: The sign portion of the entryway feature shall be significantly subordinate to the hardscape and landscaping curation of the overall entryway feature.
         (f)   Lighting: Shall comply with § 194.113.
   (B)   Signs permitted in the R-MF-1 and R-MF-2 Districts. Multi-family dwelling uses shall be permitted two ground identification signs at each entrance to a multi-family dwelling project; provided:
      (1)   The signs shall indicate only the name, address of the management thereof or associated information of the multi-family dwelling project;
      (2)   Each sign shall not exceed 24 square feet in sign surface area each. If a sign is located on a fence or wall, only the area of the actual sign itself shall be calculated in determining the maximum sign surface area, not the fence or wall itself. Fence or wall height shall comply with § 194.095 of this chapter;
      (3)   The signs shall maintain a minimum front yard setback of ten feet from the proposed right-of-way. In the case where a proposed right-of-way line does not exist, as determined by the transportation plan, or where the existing right-of-way is greater, the existing right-of-way line shall be used for the setback measurement. The signs shall maintain a minimum side and rear yard setback consistent with the requirements for an accessory structure in the district to which the real estate is zoned;
      (4)   The maximum height of a ground identification sign shall not exceed four feet;
      (5)   The signs shall not interfere with the vision clearance area as specified in § 194.021 of this chapter; and
      (6)   The signs shall not be internally illuminated.
      (7)   The signs shall be surrounded by a landscaped area at least equal to the sign area of the sign erected. Landscaping shall consist of living vegetation (annuals, perennials, ornamental grasses, hedge plants or trees) and natural ground cover materials. Loose stone, rock or gravel may be used as a landscaping accent, but shall not exceed 20% of the landscaped area. Plant materials used to satisfy this provision shall not be used to satisfy the calculations of landscaping required by any other provisions of this chapter.
   (C)   Signs permitted for business and other uses permitted by special exception in the O-1 District and the R districts. The following regulations shall apply to all businesses and other uses permitted in the residential districts by special exception.
      (1)   Freestanding identification signs.
         (a)   Type of signs. Freestanding identification signs shall be ground signs.
         (b)   Number of signs. One freestanding identification sign shall be permitted for each street frontage of a lot.
         (c)   Maximum sign surface area of freestanding identification signs. Maximum sign surface area shall not exceed 24 square feet.
         (d)   Minimum front, side and rear yard setback for freestanding identification signs.
            1.   Front yard setback: ten feet from proposed right-of-way. In the case where a proposed right-of-way line does not exist, as determined by the transportation plan, or where the existing right-of-way is greater, the existing right-of-way line shall be used for the setback measurement.
            2.   Side and rear yard setback: the minimum side or rear yard setback for a freestanding identification sign shall be the same as required for an accessory structure in the applicable zoning district.
         (e)   Maximum height of freestanding identification signs. The maximum height of a ground identification sign shall not exceed four feet in height above grade.
         (f)   Landscaping. The sign shall be surrounded by a landscaped area at least equal to the sign area of the sign erected. Landscaping shall consist of living vegetation (annuals, perennials, ornamental grasses, hedge plants or trees) and natural ground cover materials. Loose stone, rock or gravel may be used as a landscaping accent, but shall not exceed 20% of the landscaped area. Plant materials used to satisfy this provision shall not be used to satisfy the calculations of landscaping required by any other provisions of this chapter.
      (2)   Building identification signs.
         (a)   Type of signs. Building identification signs shall be wall signs.
         (b)   Number of building identification signs. There shall be no limit, to the number of wall building identification signs; provided that, the total sign surface area of all wall identification signs located on a building shall not exceed the maximum sign surface area for the building.
         (c)   Maximum sign surface area of building identification signs.
            1.   The total sign surface area of all building identification signs oriented to an individual facade shall not exceed:
               a.   Front facade: 3% of the total area of a front facade of a building. For any building which has more than one street frontage, the maximum sign surface area of 3% shall apply to all building facades with street frontages. A building facade shall be determined to have street frontage when it is parallel to the street or is at no greater than a 45-degree angle to the street.
               b.   Side and rear facades: 2.5% of a side or rear facade of building.
            2.   Provided that, for any building which has more than one street frontage, the maximum building identification sign surface area of 3% shall apply to all building facades with street frontages.
   (D)   Incidental signs. In addition to signs permitted in divisions (B) and (C) above, incidental signs shall be permitted in the R-MF-1 and R-MF-2 Districts, and shall apply to all businesses and other uses permitted in the R districts by special exception.
      (1)   Incidental signs; type of signs. Incidental signs shall be ground or wall signs.
      (2)   Number of signs.
         (a)   If a lot has one driveway, zero incidental directional signs shall be permitted at the driveway entrance or exit.
         (b)   If a lot has more than one driveway, one incidental directional sign shall be permitted for each driveway.
         (c)   One incidental directional sign or one incidental parking and loading sign shall be permitted at each critical turning point along an interior access drive when required to safely direct vehicular traffic (e.g., to direct vehicular traffic to: a customer or employee parking area; or a delivery or loading area).
      (3)   Maximum sign surface area of incidental signs. Incidental signs shall not exceed two square feet in sign surface area.
      (4)   Minimum front, side and rear yard setback for freestanding, incidental signs.
         (a)   Front yard setback: three feet from proposed right-of-way. In the case where a proposed right-of-way line does not exist, as determined by the transportation plan, or where the existing right-of-way is greater, the existing right-of-way line shall be used for the setback measurement.
         (b)   Side and rear yard setback: the minimum side or rear yard setback for a freestanding incidental sign shall be the same as required for an accessory structure in the applicable zoning district.
      (5)   Maximum height of incidental signs. The maximum height of a freestanding, incidental ground sign shall not exceed two and one-half feet in height above grade.
   (E)   Development plan approval required.
      (1)   All freestanding and building identification signs in the R districts shall be subject to the filing of a development plan for review and approval by the Building Commissioner as set forth in §§ 194.125 through 194.128 of this chapter.
      (2)   Development plan approval petitions for signs in the R districts shall be submitted as a part of the application for an improvement location permit for signs.
      (3)   The Building Commissioner shall grant development plan approval upon written finding that the proposed freestanding or building identification sign:
         (a)   Is consistent with and harmonious to the buildings and sites which they occupy;
         (b)   Represents a use of design features which will enhance the use or value of area properties;
         (c)   Utilizes materials and is of a style which is compatible with the Zionsville theme;
         (d)   Is consistent with the intent and purpose of this chapter.
(Ord. 2000-16, passed 8-28-2000, § 6.7; Ord. 2020-01, passed 1-6-2020)