10.4.3.   Rules of Procedure
   A.   Generally. The Planning Board shall adopt rules for the transaction of its business and shall keep a record of its members' attendance and its resolutions, discussions, findings and recommendations, which record shall be a public record.
   B.   Compensation. Members of the Planning Board shall receive no compensation for their services.
   C.   Schedule.
      1.   The Planning Board shall establish a regular meeting time and place.
      2.   Unless there is no business to be conducted, the Planning Board shall hold at least one meeting monthly.
      3.   The Planning Board may elect to change and/or delete meeting dates, times and/or locations of its regular meetings.
   D.   Open Meetings. All meetings and hearings shall be open to the public.
   E.   Official Record.
      1.   The Planning Board shall keep minutes of its proceedings showing the vote of each member upon each question and the absence or failure of any member to vote.
      2.   Unless otherwise provided by law, all records and minutes shall be public record.
   F.   Quorum.
      1.   No official business of the Planning Board may be conducted without a quorum present.
      2.   A quorum shall consist of a majority of actual membership excluding vacant seats.
   G.   Voting.
      1.   An affirmative vote of the majority of Planning Board members constituting a quorum is required for all decisions.
      2.   The Chairperson shall vote as any other member.
      3.   The members appointed to the BOA by the Board of Wake County Commissioners as representatives of the extraterritorial area outside the town shall have equal rights, privileges and duties with the other members of the Planning Board regardless of whether the matters at issue arise within the town or within the extraterritorial area.
   H.   Attendance. Faithful attendance at meetings of the Planning Board is considered a prerequisite to continued membership, and the appointing authority may remove and replace any member continually delinquent in his duty to attend. Specifically, members of the Planning Board may be removed by the Board of Commissioners at any time for:
      1.   Failure to attend three consecutive meetings; or
      2.   Failure to attend 70% or more of the meetings within any 12-month period; or
      3.   For any other good cause related to performance of duties.
   I.   Conflict of Interest.
      1.   A member of the Planning Board shall not vote, nor participate in any manner that would violate an affected person's constitutional rights to an impartial decision maker; including, but are not limited to:
         a.   A member having a fixed opinion prior to hearing the matter that is not susceptible to change;
         b.   A close family, business, or other associational relationship with an affected person; or
         c.   Financial interest in the outcome of the matter.
      2.   If an objection is raised to a member's participation and that member does not recuse himself or herself, the remaining members shall by majority vote rule on the objection.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019; Ord. 2023-12, passed 11-7-2022)
The Technical Review Committee (TRC) is hereby established in accordance with Section 160D-306 and Section 160D-803 of the North Carolina General Statutes. The TRC shall have the following powers, duties, composition, and rules of procedure under this Ordinance:
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019; Ord. 2021-65, passed 5-3-2021)
10.5.1.   Powers and Duties
   A.   Application Review and Decision. To review and decide the following applications:
      1.   Preliminary Plats; and
      2.   Site Plans.
   B.   Other Powers and Duties. To conduct a review of any other issue deemed appropriate by the Board of Commissioners or Town Manager.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
10.5.2.   Composition
   A.   Membership.
      1.   The TRC shall consist of the following persons or their appointed representatives:
         a.   Town Manager;
         b.   Planning Director;
         c.   Police Chief;
         d.   Fire Chief;
         e.   Public Works Director;
         f.   Finance Director;
         g.   Parks and Recreation Director;
         h.   Appropriate representatives from any other public utility; and
   I.   Other persons whose attendance would be beneficial to the review process as determined by the Chair.
      2.   Representatives from other town departments, representatives from other municipalities, NC DOT, railroad representatives, private utility companies, and public or private school systems may also attend.
   B.   Officers. The Planning Director or their designee shall serve as Chair of the TRC, and shall schedule committee meetings, coordinate the committee's activities, preside over committee meetings, prepare committee reports, and serve as liaison to the departments and agencies involved for clarification of issues and resolution of conflicts.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019; Ord. 2023-12, passed 11-7-2022)
10.5.3.   Rules of Procedure
   A.   Meetings.
      1.   The TRC shall establish a regular meeting schedule, and shall meet frequently enough to discuss any plats, plans or related issues submitted to it for review.
      2.   The Planning Director may invite applicants to attend TRC meetings.
   B.   Conflict of Interest.
      1.   No staff member shall make a final decision on an administrative decision required by this Chapter if the outcome of that decision would have a direct, substantial, and readily identifiable financial impact on the staff member or if the applicant or other person subject to that decision is a person with whom the staff member has a close familial, business, or other associational relationship. If a staff member has a conflict of interest under this section, the decision shall be assigned to the supervisor of the staff person or such other staff person as may be designated by the development regulation or other ordinance.
      2.   No staff member shall be financially interested or employed by a business that is financially interested in a development subject to regulation under this Chapter unless the staff member is the owner of the land or building involved. No staff member or other individual or an employee of a company contracting with a local government to provide staff support shall engage in any work that is inconsistent with his or her duties or with the interest of the local government, as determined by the local government
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019; Ord. 2021-65, passed 5-3-2021)
With respect to the administration of this Ordinance, the Building Inspector shall have the following powers and duties:
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
10.6.1.   Powers and Duties
   A.   Application Review and Decision. To review and decide applications for:
      1.   Building Permits; and
      2.   Certificates of Occupancy.
   B.   Other Powers and Duties. The Building Inspector shall have the following other powers and duties:
      1.   Assist with enforcement of this Ordinance in accordance with Article 8: Enforcement;
      2.   Process applications as designated in the Procedures Manual;
      3.   Provide expertise and technical assistance to the town's review authorities and administration, upon request;
      4.   Maintain all records pertaining to the provisions of this Ordinance and make records available for public inspection; and
      5.   Perform other duties as may be assigned by the Town Manager or the Planning Director.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019; Ord. 2023-12, passed 11-7-2022)
The Planning Director shall have the following powers and duties:
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)