§ 153-46 Final Plat Process.
   (A)   The final plat shall be prepared as specified in §§ 153-47 and 153-50 and shall conform substantially to the preliminary plat as approved. If desired by the applicant, the final plat may be approved and recorded in phases. Each phase is required to conform to all city requirements and conditions of approval of the preliminary plat.
   (B)   The final plat shall be submitted to the Department of Planning and Neighborhood Services within three years of the approval date of the preliminary plat; otherwise, such preliminary plat shall automatically expire and be null and void. An extension of time applied for prior to the expiration date of a preliminary plat and granted by the Planning and Zoning Commission shall extend such deadline.
   (C)   Three complete sets of the final plat or one electronic copy, and other supplementary material required for review, shall be submitted to the Department of Planning and Neighborhood Services. Other final plat supplementary materials shall include:
      (1)   Completed application form and staff notes from pre- development meeting;
      (2)   Filing fee;
      (3)   Environmental transaction screen or equivalent documentation (two copies or an electronic copy);
      (4)   Engineer's construction cost assessment for determining assurances;
      (5)   One AutoCAD file of the plat that conforms to the City of Yuma CADD standards shall be submitted electronically.
   (D)   If the Department of Planning and Neighborhood Services determines that all conditions of approval and city codes are satisfied, then the Department of Planning and Neighborhood Services will forward the final plat to the City Council for consideration based on the final plat application deadline schedule.
('80 Code, App. B, § IV) (Ord. 1012, passed 4-20-66; Ord. 1939, passed 6-18-80; Ord. 1966, passed 10-1-80; Ord. 2144, passed 8-3-83; Ord. O2002-24, passed 5-1-02; Ord. O2022-053, passed 12-7-22)