Section 124.
The Commission shall have the power, authority, and duty to:
   1.    Advise and consult with the City Council on all matters involving workplace policies and conditions for part-time employees.
   2.   Serve in an advisory and consultative capacity to the City Council to assure effective compliance with fair part-time workplace policies and requirements and recommend to the City measures aimed at improving the ability of the City to promote equitable and practical working conditions for all part-time employees.
   3.    Recommend to the City Council legislation to aid in programs designed to comply with and further the purposes of Sections 122 to 132 and encourage community support for such legislation.
   4.    Receive complaints from any complainant concerning alleged violations of Sections 122 to 132. The Commission shall, upon the receipt of such complaints, investigate and report to the City Council in writing the facts, findings and recommendations after using persuasion, mediation and conciliation in accordance with the rules of the Commission as approved by the City Council in an attempt to provide mutual understanding and satisfaction of the problem involved.
   5.    Enforce the workplace requirements under Sections 122 to 132 and make recommendations to the City Council for any amendments as may be needed over time to promote the continued effective administration of these sections.
   6.    Conduct research and obtain factual data to ascertain the status of part-time employment in the City and periodically evaluate the impact and effectiveness of the requirements of Sections 122 to 132.
   7.    Cooperate with all city, state, county, federal, and other governmental agencies with resources helpful in achieving mutual appreciation and support of the social and economic benefits of fair part-time employment conditions and full utilization of human resources.
   8.    Employ staff as needed to effectively carry out its duties required under this section. (Enacted November 8, 2016)