The Law Director or other duly authorized attorney for the District may commence civil proceedings in the appropriate local court seeking appropriate legal and/or equitable relief against any discharger who fails to comply with any final administrative order issued pursuant to either Section 932.28 or 932.31 or with any suspension notice issued by the District pursuant to Section 932.25. Such relief may include civil penalties, judgment for damages, penalties, expenses and/or costs incurred by or charged to the District by or as a result of any and all acts and/or omissions of the discharger as required, prohibited or governed by this Code, and injunctive relief, whether temporary or permanent, to suspend or terminate the activities and/or operations of the discharger as may be necessary for the District to enforce the provisions of this Code. The Law Director for the District or the prosecutor having jurisdiction thereover may commence criminal proceedings in the appropriate local court upon authorization from the District.
(Ord. 92-206. Passed 4-29-92.)