Vehicle Operation and Parking
513.01   Compliance with lawful orders.
513.02   Police and fire police to direct traffic.
513.03   Towing vehicles obstructing work areas; liability for expense.
513.04   Stop signals and turns.
513.05   Driving through procession; backing and u-turns.
513.06   One-way streets; operation and parking.
513.07   Weight restrictions.
513.08   Oversize or overweight vehicles; permit fee.
513.09   Spring Garden Memorial Park.
513.10   Pedestrians at controlled intersections and at Continental Square.
513.11   School children crossing streets.
513.12   Use of coaster, roller skates and similar devices restricted.
513.13   Boarding or alighting from vehicles.
513.14   Parking prohibited in specified places.
513.15   Parking at City Hall. (Repealed)
513.16   Loading and unloading parked vehicles.
513.17   Double parking.
513.18   Handicapped parking.
513.19   Compliance with parking signs.
513.20   Buses and taxicabs; parking in stands.
513.21   Repairing of vehicles.
513.22   Disposition of fines and forfeitures.
513.23   Enforcement.
513.24   Speed zones.
513.25   Parking of inoperable or illegally registered vehicles.
513.99   Penalty.
Rules of the road - see Vehicle Code 75 Pa. C.S.A. §3301 et seq.
Prohibited stopping, standing and parking places - see Vehicle Code 75 Pa. C.S.A. §3353
Local police powers - see Vehicle Code 75 Pa. C.S.A. §6109(a)