   (A)   (1)   The water and sewage department will provide water and/or sewage service solely for residential, commercial, industrial, manufacturing, institutional or other related purposes within the department’s service area, as defined by the county, subject to the limitations and conditions established by the agreement between the City of Rock Hill and York County, and subject to the limitations and conditions established by the county for the administration, operation and extension of the county water and sewage systems. By allowing connection to or extension of its water and/or sewage systems, the water and sewage department does not warrant unlimited water and/or sewage service. No water is warranted by the water and sewage department for fire protection. By allowing connection to or extension of its water and sewage systems, the county assumes no liability for damage due to leaks, malfunctions or breaks in any portion of the county water or sewage systems.
      (2)   The water and sewage department reserves the right to refuse service to any applicant, if the county, at its sole discretion, finds that service to any applicant is uneconomical, the premises for which service is sought are not located contiguous to the county water and sewage systems, or service is not otherwise in the best interest of the water and sewage department.
   (B)   (1)   Water and/or sewage service within the county’s defined service area will be provided in the order in which applications for service are approved and connections or extensions of or to the county water and sewage systems are constructed. Service will be provided on a “first come-first served” basis.
      (2)   Service is subject to the capacity of the county water and/or sewage systems, and to the limitations and conditions contained in the water and sewage department connection and extension policies and procedures. The water and sewage department reserves the right to refuse service to any applicant, subject to the terms, conditions and limitations contained in the policies and procedures of the water and sewage department, and subject to the terms and conditions of the agreement between the municipal supplier and the county.
      (3)   Upon approval by the water and sewage department of an applicant’s application for service, a commitment will be issued approving the requested service. If a building permit has not been obtained by the applicant from the building and codes department within 90 days from the issuance of a commitment by the county to provide water and/or sewage service, the commitment shall expire and become null and void, and the water and sewage department shall have no further obligation to provide water and/or sewage service. If for any reason, a building permit becomes invalid, the water and sewage department’s commitment to provide water and sewage services becomes null and void. When service is introduced upon the applicant’s premises, the applicant or any successor to the applicant shall be subject to all rules, regulations and limitations upon service, as established by the water and sewage department or the rules, regulations, policies or procedures of the county relating thereto.
      (4)   The county makes no representations or warranties relating to water and/or sewage services which extend beyond those expressly contained in writing in any agreement between the county and the applicant and/or ultimate user or consumer of county water and/or sewage services. The county makes no representations or warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose.
      (5)   No plumbing system which allows water and/or sewage service to be provided to real property located outside the county’s defined service area, or to improvements to real property or to personal property located outside the county’s service area, shall be connected to the county’s utility systems, unless written consent is granted to the county to provide utilities within another jurisdictional area.
      (6)   No connection shall be made between the water and sewage department’s water system and any unauthorized water source under any circumstances.
      (7)   No connection to the water and sewage department’s sewage system shall be made unless the applicant obtains all of its water from the county water system, except upon the written approval of the water and sewage department. Any water not obtained from the water and sewage department water system shall be accurately metered by the water and sewage department, and the amount of water so metered shall be reported regularly in order to calculate the applicant’s sewage charges.
      (8)   Piping and stormwater runoff shall not be connected to the county’s wastewater collection system.
      (9)   All applicants for county water and/or sewage services shall, prior to the extension of such services, enter into a written utility user’s agreement with the county. The applicant, and all successors to the applicant, in consideration of the extension or provision of water and sewer services by the county, shall agree to save and hold harmless the county, the water and sewage department, and their respective successors, agents, employees and assigns, from and against all claims, demands, suits or liability for injury to persons or loss of, or damage to, property caused by, growing out of, or occurring in connection with, the construction, inspection, use or maintenance of the county water and/or sewage system.
(‘77 Code, § 7-52) (Ord. 1485, passed 10-7-85; Am. Ord. 5206, passed 12-18-06)
   (A)   Water service connections will be made available in the order in which applications for water service are approved by the county. Service shall be provided on a “first come-first served” service basis, subject to the capacity of the county water system, and the policies and procedures established by the county for the administration, operation and extension of the county water and sewage system.
   (B)   Subject to the limitations contained in this section, water service connections will be made to premises contiguous to county water mains, upon application by the owner, lessee or their authorized agent of the property to be benefitted, upon compliance with all requirements imposed upon the service connection by the water and sewage department.
   (C)   Upon approval of the applicant’s application for service, the applicant shall pay the standard service connection fee as established by the county. No service shall be provided until all fees relating to the service have been paid.
   (D)   Property owners who are either indigent or over the age of 65 years and in need of financial assistance, and whose existing well has failed, may, at the discretion of the water and sewage department, obtain a water service connection upon the following special terms and conditions:
      (1)   The property owner must be declared indigent, or be a resident of the county in the county’s defined service area, over 65 years of age and in need of financial assistance, as determined by the department of social services;
      (2)   The well of the applicant must be condemned by the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control;
      (3)   A water main must be directly available for service connections. No extensions of the county water system shall be made under this program;
      (4)   The size of the water service connection shall not exceed 3/4-inch;
      (5)   Private service lines from the county-installed meter to the residence to be served shall not qualify for service connections under this policy or program;
      (6)   The property owner(s) must make application for the water service connection and pay at least 10% of the fees normally charged by the water and sewage department for similar service connections. The balance of the usual and customary fee for the services shall be charged to a special account administered in connection with this special program;
      (7)   The water and sewage department will establish an accounts receivable, wherein the applicant will be billed monthly for a partial payment of the service connection and tapping privilege fees. The term over which the fees shall be payable shall not exceed a maximum of five years;
      (8)   Failure of the applicant to pay monthly partial payment promptly, and in no event more than 30 days after the same shall be due, shall result in termination of service. In order to secure the sums due for service connection under this program, the applicant shall be required to grant to the county a lien upon the property for which service is provided.
(‘77 Code, § 7-53) (Ord. 1485, passed 10-7-85; Am. Ord. 5206, passed 12-18-06)
   (A)   All persons desiring water service to premises not contiguous to existing water and sewage department mains shall submit an application to the water and sewage department for approval of the requested extension of the county water system. The application shall be made by the owner, lessee or their duly authorized agent for the property to be benefitted. The county reserves the right, at its discretion, to refuse service to any application, or to prescribe the terms and conditions upon which the extension shall be approved. Upon compliance with all terms and conditions prescribed by the county or established by any ordinance, law, rule or regulation established by the county or the water and sewage department, the county may permit the requested extension. No extension shall be approved or permitted which does not comply with the terms and provisions of this chapter.
   (B)   All extensions of the county water system shall be made by the water and sewage department or licensed contractors approved by the county, and must be in compliance with SCDHEC rules and regulations. The applicant shall submit to the county detailed plans and specifications of the proposed extension and other information as may be required by the county, before the proposed extension of the county water system shall be considered.
   (C)   Any person, partnership, association, corporation, municipality or other entity which shall hereafter install, layout or commence the construction of any water main, water system or extension to any water main or system in the unincorporated area of the county shall install fire hydrants on the water main, water system or extension in the unincorporated area of the county, which meet minimum standards for fire hydrant construction, design and installation promulgated in NFPA standards, at intervals not to exceed 1,000 feet in residential areas, and 300 feet in commercial or industrial areas. Fire hydrants shall be installed so as to be accessible by fire apparatus at all intersections. Fire hydrants shall, at all times, be connected to a water supply so as to provide water for purposes of combating fire. Fire hydrants connected to non-potable water sources are to be painted purple and labeled as a non-potable water source.
   (D)   All water mains, water systems or extensions to any water main or system shall be designed to supply the demands of customers, while maintaining a residual pressure of 25 psi for maximum instantaneous demand, and 20 psi for fire flow or flushing flows in excess of peak hourly demands. If a private community water system which has been granted a water service franchise by the county cannot meet these requirements, the community water system may be excluded from the placement of fire hydrants on the water line, upon review by the county engineering department. The private community water system will be required to place stub-outs at intervals not to exceed 1,000/300 feet, in accordance with division (C) above, along public roadways accessible by fire apparatus positioned on the road right-of-way. The stub-out shall, at a minimum, consist of the following:
      (1)   One six-inch tee with thrust blocking;
      (2)   One six-inch gate valve with box;
      (3)   One six-inch mechanical joint plug; and
      (4)   Appropriate thrust blocking.
   (E)   Before the county will accept any private community water system into the county water system, the water line shall meet all county and SCDHEC standards, including but not limited to, the setting of fire hydrants on all stub-outs. If the water line does not meet county standards, it shall be upgraded, at the owner’s expense, to meet the standards before it is accepted.
   (F)   The county manager is authorized to approve agreements and contracts for the extension of the county water system, provided the following criteria or provisions have been made:
      (1)   The applicant is responsible for all costs associated with the extension, and no direct financial contribution is made by the county toward the cost of the extension;
      (2)   Reimbursement is not provided by the county to the applicant;
      (3)   All extensions of county water mains, pumping facilities, storage tanks, valves, fire hydrants and other facilities and appurtenances shall be constructed in accordance with the standards of the county and the SCDHEC;
      (4)   All improvements specified in division (F)(3) above shall be offered for dedication to the county in a turn-key manner, at the time that a permit to operate has been issued. The improvements shall be offered with appropriate easements and rights-of-way, in a form acceptable to the county;
      (5)   The applicant shall warrant the system to be free from defect for a minimum period of one year from the time of acceptance by the county;
      (6)   All properties owned or controlled by the applicant, to which service is being extended, shall be required to connect to the system at the time of development. In approving the arrangements, the county manager shall establish other conditions and criteria for extensions of the county system as he or she deems necessary and appropriate.
(‘77 Code, § 7-54) (Ord. 1485, passed 10-7-85; Am. Ord. 5795, passed 11-6-95; Am. Ord. 6396, passed 12-16-96; Am. Ord. 498, passed 1-5-98; Am. Ord. 2003, passed 7-21-03; Am. Ord. 5206, passed 12-18-06)
   (A)   Sewer service connections will be made available in the order in which applications for sewer service are approved by the county. Service shall be provided on a “first come-first served” service basis, subject to the capacity of the county sewage system, the terms and conditions of the agreement between the municipality treating the wastewater and the county, and the policies and procedures established by the county for the administration, operation and extension of the county water and sewage systems.
   (B)   Subject to the limitations contained in this chapter, sewer service connections will be made to premises contiguous to county sewer mains, upon application by the owner, lessee or their authorized agent, of the property to be benefitted, upon compliance with all requirements imposed upon the service connection by the water and sewage department.
   (C)   Upon approval of the applicant’s application for service, the applicant shall pay the standard service connection fee established by the county. No service shall be provided until all fees relating to the service have been paid.
   (D)   Property owners who are either indigent or over the age of 65 years and in need of financial assistance, and whose existing septic tank has failed, may, at the discretion of the water and sewage department, obtain a sewer service connection upon the following special terms and conditions:
      (1)   The property owner must be declared indigent, or be a resident of the county in the county’s defined service area, over 65 years of age and in need of financial assistance, as determined by the department of social services;
      (2)   The septic tank of the applicant must be condemned by the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control;
      (3)   A sewer main must be directly available for service connections. No extensions of the county sewer system shall be made under this program;
      (4)   The size of the sewer service connection shall not exceed four inches for individual gravity sewer service laterals, and two inches for individual force mains;
      (5)   Private service lines from the county-installed lateral to the residence to be served shall not qualify as a part of this program;
      (6)   The property owner(s) must make application for the sewer service connection and pay at least 10% of the fees normally charged by the water and sewage department for similar service connections. The balance of the usual and customary fee for the services shall be charged to a special account administered in connection with this special program;
      (7)   The water and sewage department will establish an accounts receivable, wherein the applicant will be billed monthly for a partial payment of the service connection and tapping privilege fees. The term over which the fees shall be payable shall not exceed a maximum of five years;
      (8)   Failure of the applicant to pay the monthly partial payment promptly, and in no event more than 30 days after the same shall be due, shall result in termination of service. In order to secure the sums due for service connections under this program, the applicant shall be required to grant to the county a lien upon the property for which service is provided.
(‘77 Code, § 7-55) (Ord. 185, passed 10-7-85; Am. Ord. 5206, passed 12-18-06)