Sec. 5-14.303.   Applications: Contents: Private patrol operator permits.
   In addition to the requirements set forth in Sections 5-14.301 and 5-14.302 of this article, an application for a private patrol permit shall include the following:
   (a)   A full description of the location and operation of the applicant’s private patrol enterprise, including the place of business and radio operations;
   (b)   Whether or not the applicant, or any partner, officer, director, or manager thereof, is licensed by the Bureau of Collection and Investigative Services of the State pursuant to the provisions of the Private Investigator and Adjuster Act and, if so, the class and number of such license, whether or not any proceedings have ever been commenced for the suspension or revocation of such license, and the outcome thereof; and
   (c)   The title and position occupied by the applicant and each partner, director, manager, and nonexempt employee thereof and a description of the duties of each. (§ 1, Ord. 661, eff. January 12, 1972)