Chapter 10
   5-10.01   Discharging rifles at game in certain areas.
   5-10.02   Discharging weapons in certain areas.
   5-10.03   Concealed weapons: Additional fees.
   5-10.04   Discharging firearms near populated areas.
   5-10.05   Discharging firearms on lands of other persons.
   5-10.06   Safe storage of firearms.
   5-10.07   Violations: Penalties.
Sec. 5-10.01.   Discharging rifles at game in certain area.
   (a)   Purpose. It is the purpose of this section to protect the health and safety of all persons in the County from the danger resulting from the discharging of rifles during the deer hunting season in an area heavily populated with harvest workers.
   (b)   Rifle defined. “Rifle” shall not include 22-caliber rim fire rifles, shotguns, or shotguns firing rifle slugs.
   (c)   Prohibited area. It shall be unlawful during the deer hunting season for any person to discharge a rifle at game in that portion of the County which lies east of U.S. Highway 99-W. (§§ 1, 2, and 3, Ord. 483)
Sec. 5-10.02.   Discharging weapons in certain areas.
   (a)   Prohibited areas. Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b)of this section, it shall be unlawful to discharge a weapon in the prohibited areas of the unincorporated territory of the County described as follows:
   (1)   East Yolo Area. Beginning at the intersection of the center line of the Sacramento River and at a point 45 feet northerly of the center line of County Road 126; thence westerly along a line parallel to the center line of County Road 126 and the extension thereof to the center line of the east levee of the East Yolo Bypass; thence southerly and westerly along the center line of the east levee of the East Yolo Bypass to the extension of the center line of Thorpe Road; thence easterly along the extension of the center line of Thorpe Road to the center line of the Sacramento River Deep Water Ship Channel; thence southerly along the center line of the Sacramento River Deep Water Ship Channel to the extension of the center line of the north levee of Lisbon Slough; thence easterly along the westerly extension of the center line of the north levee of Lisbon Slough and along the center line of the north levee of Lisbon Slough and the easterly extension of the center line of Lisbon Slough to the center line of the Sacramento River; thence along the center line of the Sacramento River to the point of beginning;
   (2)   Guinda Dump and Park. Lot 36 of Guinda Colony Tract, said tract being filed in Map Book 1 at page 47 in the office of the County Clerk-Recorder;
   (3)   Esparto Park. A parcel of land being a portion of the Plaza of the town of Esperanza as shown on said Town map filed in Map Book 1 at page 23 in the office of the County Clerk-Recorder, more fully described as follows:
   Commencing at the northwest comer of Lot 9 of Block 22; thence north east 65.00 feet to the southwest corner of the Esparto Park, the true point of beginning; thence northerly along the west line of said Park, being the east line of Yolo Avenue (State Highway No. 16), north 10º03’00” east 275.00 feet to the north line of said Park; thence south 79º57’00” east 155.00 feet to the east line of said Park; thence south 10º03’00” west 275.00 feet to the south line of said Park; thence north 79º57’00” west 155.00 feet to the true point of beginning;
   (4)   Airport. The west one-half of Section 34, Township 9 North, Range 1 East, M.D.B. & M., the northwest one-quarter of Section 3, and the north 240.5 feet of the southwest one-quarter of Section 3, Township 8 North, Range 1 East, M.D.B. & M., being approximately 294.3 acres, more or less.
   Excepting therefrom the following described property:
   A parcel of land being a portion of the northwest one-quarter of Section 34, Township 9 North, Range 1 East, M.D.B. & M., Yolo County, California, more fully described as follows:
   Beginning at the northeast comer of the said northwest one-quarter of Section 34; thence along the north line of said northwest one-quarter south 89º47’25” west 1550.00 feet; thence south 00º06’06” west 825.00 feet; thence south 16º37’23” east 1042.47 feet; thence north 89º47’25” east 1250 feet, more or less, to the east line of said northwest one-quarter; thence northerly along said east line to the northeast comer of said northwest one-quarter, the point of beginning, containing 61.5 acres;
   (5)   Sam Combs Park. Beginning at the northeast corner of Silva’s Subdivision as the same appears of record in Map Book 4, pages 68 and 69, Yolo County Records; thence north 89º22’08” east along the south line of Stone Boulevard 903.26 feet to the northwesterly line of State Highway 99 Yolo Section B, also known as Jefferson Boulevard; thence along a curve to the right having a radius of 999.50 feet and distant 15 feet northwesterly and radially from the center line of the main track of the Sacramento-Yolo Port Belt Line Railroad, a distance along the arc of 590.54 feet, the chord of which bears south 61º43’43” west, 581.99 feet; thence south 89º22’08” west, 389.49 feet to the southeast comer of Silva’s Subdivision; thence north 0º14’59” west along the east line of said subdivision, 270.00 feet to the point of beginning, containing 4.394 acres of land;
   (6)   Clarksburg Boat Ramp. All that certain real property situate, lying, and being in Township 6 North, Range 4 East, M.D.B. & M., more particularly described as follows:
   Beginning at a point on the center line of County Road No. 140 of Yolo County at Station 142+00 which bears the following courses and distances from the southwest comer of Swamp Land Survey No. 756 of said Yolo County: south 74º20’ east, 2,605 feet to the intersection of the center line of said County Road and the south line of said Swamp Land Survey; thence north 24º20’ east, 558 feet; thence north 42º48’ east 520 feet to Station 142+00 of said County road, the true point of beginning; thence from said true point of beginning south 82º00’ east, 68.59 feet; north 52º36’ east, 85.00 feet; south 34º55’ east, 65 feet, more or less, to the mean high tide of the west bank of the Sacramento River; thence in a northeasterly direction along said mean high tide of the Sacramento River, 1,270 feet, more or less, to a point which bears south 35º49’30” east, 90 feet, more or less, from center line station 128+00 of said County road No. 140; thence north 35º49’30” west, 90 feet, more or less, to the center line of County road No. 140 at Station 128+00; thence along the center line of said County road south 54º10’30” west, 430.40 feet; thence south 51º42’30” west, 617.79 feet to Station 138+48.19 B.C., thence continuing along said center line of an arc conclave to the left and having a central angle of 3º 15’30” and a radius of 3,700 feet, a distance of 210.83 feet to Station 140+59.03 E.C., thence continuing along said center line south 48º27’ west 140.98 feet to the point of beginning.
   Excepting a parcel of land 15 feet in width and being parallel to and contiguous with the center line of the above described County road from Station 128+00 to Station 142+00, the boundaries of said parcel being shortened or lengthened to terminate on the boundaries of the 3.9 acre parcel above described; said parcel con-taming 3.9 acres, more or less;
   (7)   Knights Landing Boat Ramp. Beginning at a point on the westerly line of State Highway 48 right-of-way, said point being a distance of 40 feet measured at right angles from the intersection of the center line of said right-of-way of State highway and the center line of Sycamore Slough, as defined by Grant of Right-of-Way by River Gardens Farm of California, dated September 8, 1938, recorded September 22, 1938, in Book 117 at page 335, of official records of the County of Yolo; thence from said point of beginning north 38º07’30” west 83.00 feet; thence along the arc of a curve to the left, a distance of 229.23 feet, said curve having a central angle of 32º02’ and a radius of 410.00 feet; thence tangent to the preceding curve north 70º09’30” west 166.93 feet to the intersection of the southwesterly line of said State highway right-of-way and the easterly line of the abandoned River Farms Branch of the Southern Pacific Rail-road right-of-way; thence continuing along said line north 70º09’30” west, 113.0 feet; thence south 68º30’ west, 55 feet; thence along a curve to the left, having a chord bearing south 15º24’ east, radius of 1,507.69 feet, an arc length of 314 feet; thence south 24º17’ east, 235 feet, more or less, to the center line of Sycamore Slough; thence in an easterly direction along the center line of Sycamore Slough, a distance of 450 feet, more or less, to the westerly line of State Highway 45 right-of-way to the point of beginning, said parcel containing 3.9 acres, more or less; and
   (8)   Putah Creek Fishing Access. Beginning at a point which is situated on the east line of the northwest one-quarter of Section 28, Township 8 North, Range 2 West, where said line intersects the southerly right-of-way line of State Highway 128; and running thence southerly along the east line of the northwest one-quarter of Section 28 to the center line of Putah Creek, thence easterly along said center line to its intersection with the south line of the northeast one-quarter of Section 26, Township 8 North, Range 2 West, thence easterly along the south line of the northeast one-quarter of Section 26 to the southerly right-of-way line of State Highway 128, thence westerly along said right-of-way line to the point of beginning.
   (b)   Exception. The provisions of this section shall not apply to the following:
   (1)   Persons set forth in subsection (b)of Section 12031 of the Penal Code of the State;
   (2)   The discharge of shotguns in that portion of the East Yolo area described in subsection (1) of subsection (a)of this section lying south and east of the Sacramento River Deep Water Channel and the Barge Canal and also within an agricultural zone as designated by the zoning regulations of the County; and
   (3)   The operation of indoor shooting ranges or shooting galleries where permitted by law. (§§ 2, 3, and 5, Ord. 598, and § 2, Ord. 610, as amended by § 1, Ord. 612, § 1, Ord. 621, §§ 1 and 2, Ord. 676, eff. November 14, 1972, § 1, Ord. 785, eff. September 15, 1977, and § 1, Ord. 786, eff. October 20, 1977)
Sec. 5-10.03.   Concealed weapons: Additional fees.
   As well as the fee determined by the State Department of Justice to be sufficient to reimburse the State Department of Justice for the direct cost of furnishing the report required by Section 12052 of the Penal Code of the State, each applicant for a new license to carry a concealed pistol, revolver, or other firearm, or for the renewal thereof, shall pay to the Sheriff-Coroner at the time of filing his application an additional fee in the sum of Two and no/100ths ($2.00) Dollars. The Sheriff-Coroner shall transmit all such additional fees to the County Treasury. (§ 1, Ord. 662, eff. January 12, 1972)