Sec. 6-20.02.   Definitions.
   For purposes of this Chapter:
   (a)   "County property" shall mean all real property owned or leased by the County or any agency or department thereof, irrespective of whether such real property is located within an incorporated area.
   (b)   “Encampment” shall mean a tent or any similar temporary structure consisting of any material with a top or roof or any other upper covering or that is otherwise enclosed by sides that is of sufficient size for a person to fit underneath or inside while sitting or lying down and includes the use of a tarp or other material tied to a structure or bush to create an enclosed area;
   (c)   “Enforcing employee” shall mean the employee of the County, or the city in which the County property is located, authorized to enforce this Chapter.
   (d)   “Housing” shall mean placement in a shelter or another housing option provided by the County or the incorporated cities located within the County;
   (e)   “Personal Property” shall mean any tangible property, and includes, but is not limited to, goods, materials, merchandise, tents, tarpaulins, bedding, blankets, sleeping bags, personal items such as household items, luggage, backpacks, clothing, food, documents, and medication;
   (f)   “Shelter” shall mean temporary shelter or another shelter option. (Ord. 1514, eff. December 5, 2019)