Sec. 2-8.201.   Limitations.
   (a)   The use of a County vehicle for any purpose other than County business shall be prohibited.
   (b)   The transportation of members of any employee’s family or of any other person not connected with County business shall be prohibited, except for members of families accompanying employees on officially authorized trips at no expense to the County.
   (c)   The use of a County vehicle other than during an employee’s regular working day and/or officially assigned duties shall be prohibited, except as permitted under Article 5 of this chapter.
   (d)   The use of a County vehicle to travel to and from an employee’s home shall be prohibited, except as permitted under Article 5 of this chapter.
   (e)   The use of a County vehicle for transportation to a home or restaurant for meals shall be prohibited, unless enroute while on field duty or attending a meeting on official County business. (§ 1, Ord. 910, eff. June 25, 1981)