(a) Establishment: Allowed zones. The establishment of adult-related establishments shall be prohibited in any zone within the County with the exception only of the General Commercial (C-G), and Highway Services Commercial (C-H) zones; provided, however, no adult-related establishment may be established in any such zone unless the entire parcel upon which such use is located is outside all of the specified distance requirements set forth in subsection (b) of this section and unless the adult-related establishment complies with all the other regulations imposed within the zone by this chapter.
(b) Spacing requirements. The spacing requirements set forth in this subsection shall all be observed in the establishment of any adult-related establishment. Distances shall be measured in a straight line, between the nearest property line of the parcel on which the adult-related establishment is located to the nearest zone line or property line of the parcel upon which the following uses are located:
(1) No adult-related establishment shall be established within five hundred (500) feet of any existing adult entertainment use or adult-related establishment.
(2) No adult-related establishment shall be established within five hundred (500) feet of any public or private school, publicly owned park or playground, or church, synagogue, or other place of worship to which the public is invited or permitted to attend.
(3) No adult-related establishment shall be established on any parcel which has any part of its boundary contiguous to any part of the boundary of any parcel which is in the Low Density Residential (R-L), Medium Density Residential (R-M), or High Density Residential (R-H) zones, or upon which a residential use exists as the principal permitted use. For the purposes of this subsection, “contiguous” shall mean physically touching, and “residential use” shall include mobile home parks, recreational vehicle campgrounds, and campgrounds, but shall exclude motels. The distance restrictions set forth in this subsection are cumulative, not separate; therefore, adult-related establishments may be established only on parcels which meet all of the spacing requirements set forth in this subsection.
(Ord. 1445, eff. August 14, 2014)