Sec. 8-2.1306.   Number of parking spaces required.
   (a)   Number of parking spaces required. Each new or modified land use shall provide a parking plan using the standard number of off-street parking spaces, as listed in Table 8-2.1306, as a guide, but modified, if feasible, to reduce the total amount of on-site parking. The parking plan for larger uses should include employee ride-sharing, car-pooling, and transit pass programs, as well proposals for improved bicycle and pedestrian access. The parking plan shall take into account any parking reduction or modification that is proposed and has been granted in compliance with Section 8-2.1310. A minimum number of accessible and bicycle parking spaces shall be required in the total count of required spaces as listed in Section 8-2.1307(a) and (b). The parking space requirements by land use, specified in Table 8-2.1306, shall be considered the maximum number of spaces that are to be provided for each use, unless a greater amount of parking for a specific use is required by the Planning Director.
   (b)   Land uses not identified. The required number of parking spaces for a land use not identified in Table 8-2.1306 shall be determined by the Planning Director. The Director may require the preparation of a parking demand study to determine the parking requirement for unlisted uses.
Table 8-2.1306
Parking Requirements by Land Use
Land Use
Number of Parking Spaces Required
Land Use
Number of Parking Spaces Required
Industrial Uses
Industrial uses of all types (over 1,000 SF), including warehouses, manufacturing, processing
1 for each 2,000 SF of the first 40,000 SF of GFA; and
1 for each 4,000 SF of GFA for the portion over 40,000 SF
Retail and sales services accessory to the industrial use (over 1,000 SF)
1 for each 300 SF of GFA
Recreation, Education and Public Assembly Uses
Amusement enterprises
1 for each 4 persons of the facility’s allowed maximum attendance
Bowling alleys and billiard halls
3 for each bowling lane; and
2 for each billiard table
Churches, synagogues, temples, mosques and other places of worship (2) , mortuaries, and funeral homes
1 for each 4 fixed seats (2) in the main chapel or assembly room; and
1 for every 25 SF of seating area where there are no fixed seats (2)
Commercial recreation and similar uses (e.g., shooting ranges, race tracks, miniature golf course, pitch and putt courses, and zoos)
1 for each 4 persons of the facility’s allowed maximum attendance
Commercial swimming pools and swimming schools
1 for each 500 SF of water surface area
10 minimum
Correctional institutions and facilities
1 for each 2,000 SF of GFA
Emergency shelters
1 for each 8 beds; and
1 for each 400 SF of office or other non-residential area
Golf courses and driving ranges
2 for each hole on all golf courses; and
1 for each tee for driving ranges; and
1 for each 300 SF of restaurant/bar area
Organizational camps
1 bus parking space per 20 campers
1 for each resident staff; and
1 for each nonresident staff on the largest shift
Meeting facilities - Theaters, auditoriums, conference centers, stadiums, sport arenas, gymnasiums and similar places of public assembly
1 for each 4 fixed seats (2) or for every 25 SF of seating area within the main auditorium where there are no fixed seats (2)
Schools: general curriculum
   elementary and middle school
1 for each staff member, faculty member, and employee (full-time, part-time, or volunteer)
Schools: general curriculum
   High school, colleges and universities, business and professional schools
1 for each 4 students; and
1 for each staff member, faculty member and employee (full-time, part-time, or volunteer)
Schools: special schools or trade schools
1 for each 3 students; and
1 for each staff member, faculty member, and employee (full-time, part-time, or volunteer)
Residential Uses
One-family and two-family dwellings, ancillary dwelling units, second dwelling units, accessory dwelling units
1 for each dwelling unit containing not more than 2 bedrooms, and 2 parking spaces for each dwelling unit containing 3 or more bedrooms
See Sec. 8-2.506(b)(6) for Accessory Dwelling Units
Farm labor housing
Group quarters: 1 per 4 beds
Dwelling units: 2 per dwelling
Guest house, accessory structure conversion to habitable accessory housing structure
1 space
Multi-family dwelling
   1 for each dwelling unit containing not more than 1 bedroom or one and one-half (1 1/2) for each dwelling unit containing 2 or more bedrooms
Caretaker/night watchman housing
1 per unit
Clubs, conference centers, fraternity and sorority houses, rooming and boarding houses, and similar structures having guest rooms
1 for each guest room
Residential care facility
1 for each 3 persons cared for
Mobile home parks
1 for each mobile home parcel
1 guest space for each 5 spaces, or fraction thereof
Model home/sales office
2 per office; and
2 for visitors
Commercial Uses- Retail
Automobile sales, boat sales, mobile home sales, retail nurseries, and other open uses not in an enclosed structure
1 for each 2,000 SF, or portion thereof, for open area devoted to display or sales for the first 10,000 SF; and
1 for each 5,000 SF, or portion thereof, over 10,000 SF
Equipment sales and rental, indoor
1 for each 400 SF of GFA
Retail stores (over 500 SF)
1 for each 300 SF of GFA
Supermarkets and shopping centers (under 200,000 SF of GFA)
1 for each 300 SF of GFA
Shopping centers (projects over 200,000 SF of floor area)
1 for each 300 SF of GFA up to 100,000 SF; and
1 for each 400 SF of GFA above 100,000 SF
Restaurants, including drive-ins, cafes, night clubs, bars, and other similar places where food or refreshment are dispensed
The greater of the following:
1 for each 300 SF of GFA; or
1 for each 4 fixed seats (2) and/or 1 for every 50 SF of floor area where seats may be placed
Wholesale commercial nurseries
1 for each 500 SF of display area
Commercial Uses - Services
Automobile repair, gas and service stations
1 for each 400 SF of GFA
Bed and breakfast
1 for each guest room; and
1 for resident manager
Child care centers
1 for each 5 children that the facility is designed to accommodate
1 for each 4 patient beds
Hotels and Motels
1 for each unit/room; and
1 for each 350 SF of GFA
Medical offices, clinics, veterinary hospital
1 for each 350 SF of GFA
Offices, general, financial, business and professional uses (over 500 SF)
1 for each 350 SF of GFA
Personal services (over 500 SF)
1 for each 350 SF of GFA
Public/Mini Storage
1 space per 100 storage units or 5 spaces, whichever is greater
Social care facilities including convalescent and nursing homes, senior living facilities, sanitariums, etc.
1 for each 3 residents of the maximum licensed resident capacity
Agricultural Uses
Farm Offices (over 500 SF)
1 for each 500 SF of GFA
Agricultural Processing (over 1,000 SF)
1 for each 2,000 SF of the first 40,000 SF of GFA; and
1 for each 4,000 SF of GFA for the portion over 40,000 SF
Agricultural Research facilities (office, laboratory, or similar use) (over 1,000 SF)
1 for each 350 SF of GFA
Winery and olive oil operations (over 1,000 SF)
For Tasting Rooms:
1 for each 300 SF of GFA
For Production Facilities:
1 for each 2,000 SF of the first 40,000 SF of GFA; and
1 for each 4,000 SF of GFA for the portion over 40,000 SF
Private and commercial horse stables
1 for each 5 horse stalls (when boarding)
Daily and event parking to be determined by Use Permit review process
Yolo Stores (over 500 SF)
1 for each 300 SF of GFA
(1)   The parking ratios in this table are recommended for use by applicants in developing a parking plan for their projects (see Sec. 8-1306(a)).
(2)   Twenty-four linear inches (24") of bench or pew shall be considered a fixed seat.
GFA = Gross floor area
SF = Square feet of floor area
(Ord. 1445, eff. August 14, 2014; as amended by § 4, Ord. 1497, eff. June 7, 2018)