Sec. 8-2.902.   Specific Plan Zone.
   The Specific Plan is not an overlay zone, but is a base zone similar to agricultural, residential, commercial, and industrial base zoning.
   (a)   Specific Plan (S-P) Zone. The purpose of the Specific Plan (S-P) zone is to identify lands that are planned for future urban growth but which cannot be developed until detailed development standards as outlined in a "specific plan" are adopted. The required contents of a specific plan are defined under State law (Government Code 64540 et seq). In addition, the 2030 Yolo Countywide General Plan includes policies that set parameters or requirements for development in each specific plan area, including approximate acres of planned uses and ranges of residential and commercial unit counts. These policies and development parameters are cited in Table 8-2.905.
   The area identified for preparation of a specific plan in the 2030 Countywide General Plan includes Covell/Pole Line Road in north Davis (Table 8-2.902-1).
Table 8-2.902-1
Specific Plan (S-P) Areas
Specific Plan Area
Covell/Pole Line Rd.
Source: 2030 Countywide General Plan, 2009
   The Specific Plan (S-P) zoning allows agricultural uses in the zoned area to continue temporarily until such time as a specific plan has been adopted, or until the zoning or land use designation is otherwise amended. Ultimate land uses must be consistent with the adopted Specific Plan. Capital intensive agricultural uses are discouraged in lands that are zoned S-P so as not to preclude later planned urban uses.
   The S-P zone implements the Specific Plan (SP) land use designation in the 2030 Yolo Countywide General Plan.
(Ord. 1445, eff. August 14, 2014; as amended by § 3, Ord. 1486, eff. March 23, 2017; as amended by § 2, Ord. 1490, eff. August 17, 2017)