Sec. 8-2.401.   Clarksburg Agricultural District Overlay Zone.
   (a)   Purpose. The Clarksburg Agricultural District overlay zone (CAD) is a set of zone regulations that overlays the existing base zoning on those parcels designated as Agriculture within the Clarksburg Area Plan, as reflected in the 2030 Countywide General Plan. The CAD overlay zone is intended to enhance and promote the distinctive agricultural and recreational character of the Clarksburg area, by streamlining regulations and providing greater flexibility that allows farms the ability to produce and market agricultural products, as well as provide agricultural tourism services.
   The CAD overlay zone is intended to work concurrently with Williamson Act contracts (where applicable), the Natural Heritage Program, the Land Use and Resource Management Plan of the Delta Protection Commission, and the policies of the Delta Stewardship Council.
   (b)   Table of Clarksburg Agricultural Permit Requirements. The following Table 8-2.401 identifies certain Use Types, as well as specific examples of uses that are allowed by right, by non-discretionary Site Plan Review, and by conditional Use Permit, as well as those uses that are not allowed, on agricultural zoned parcels within the CAD overlay zone. The table does not include a list of all the allowed or conditionally permitted uses in the Clarksburg agricultural zones. The table only includes those uses for which the zoning regulations are different than for the agricultural base zones in the other parts of the unincorporated County.
   (c)   Specific Use Requirements or Performance Standards.
   (1)   Parking.
   (i)   Permanent parking spaces, either of gravel or other permeable surface, shall be provided for all sales, gift, handicraft and food service areas. Paved handicapped spaces shall be provided as required.
Table 8-2.401
Allowed Land Uses and Permit Requirements for Certain Uses in the Clarksburg Agricultural Zones
A = Allowed use, subject to zoning clearance*
SP = Site Plan Review
UP(m) = Minor Use Permit required
UP(M) = Major Use Permit required
Land Use Permit Required in the Clarksburg Agricultural District (CAD) Overlay Zone
Specific Use Requirements or Performance Standards
A = Allowed use, subject to zoning clearance*
SP = Site Plan Review
UP(m) = Minor Use Permit required
UP(M) = Major Use Permit required
Land Use Permit Required in the Clarksburg Agricultural District (CAD) Overlay Zone
Specific Use Requirements or Performance Standards
Visitor information and interpretive displays or kiosks, less than 120 square feet in roof area
One per parcel
Picnic areas
Public or private horse riding or hiking trails
Permanent public bathrooms
Farm supply, feed store (up to 2,000 square feet)
Farm supply, feed store (over 2,000 square feet)
Bed and breakfast (up to 6 beds, less than 12 events per year)
See Sec. 8-2.306(l)
Bed and breakfast (6 to 10 beds, and/or up to 18 events per year)
Bed and breakfast (11 to 20 beds, and/or over 18 events per year)
Special event facilities, up to 18 events per year
See Sec. 8-2.306(k)
Special event facilities, more than 18 events/year
Stand-alone wine tasting room (under 2,000 square feet)
Stand-alone wine tasting room (over 2,000 square feet)
Small winery (under 100,000 cases/year)
Medium winery (100,000 to 1,000,000 cases/year)
Large winery (over 1,000,000 cases/year)
Petting zoos, hay and tractor rides, hay bale mazes, and similar related rural recreational uses
Excluding exotic animals
Yolo Stores, gift shops, arts and crafts sales (under 1,000 square feet)
Must be ancillary to the primary agricultural use
Yolo Stores, gift shops, arts and crafts sales (over 1,000 square feet)
Restaurants, bakeries, commercial kitchens, catering facilities, and culinary classes
Museums, botanical gardens, tours of historic features, and similar uses
Commercial fisheries and stock ponds (more than 150 visitors per day)
See Sec. 8-2.306(p)
Recreational vehicle parks
Ancillary to primary agricultural use
Commercial marinas
Lodges and centers for conferences, education, or training
Third home on a single parcel
Must conform with siting criteria in Sec. 8-2.402 
Fourth or more home on a single parcel
For all other uses not listed in this table, see Tables 8-2.304(a), (b), (c), (d), and (e)
For Cannabis uses, including personal use, see Article 14
*   An “allowed use” does not require a land use permit, but is still subject to permit requirements of other Yolo County divisions such as Building, Environmental Health, and Public Works
   (ii)   Parking for special events, receptions, marketing promotional events, and similar functions may utilize temporary, overflow parking areas.
   (iii)   On-street parking shall not be permitted.
   (2)   Access.
   (i)   Access to any tourist or sales facility shall be connected directly to a public road, except as allowed under (ii), below.
   (ii)   Where a facility is located on a private road, access shall be subject to the review and approval of the Director and local Fire District.
   (iii)   Where improvements to a County road are required, alternative standards (e.g. reduced widths, surfacing, striping, signage, etc.) may be allowed subject to the approval of the Director and local Fire District.
   (3)   Signs.
   (i)   One agricultural sign not to exceed forty (40) square feet may be allowed at the entryway to the site. Agricultural signs may be double-sided, but shall not exceed ten (10) feet in height.
   (ii)   Entryways (pilasters, gates, etc.) and on-site signs may be located within the front yard setback, upon approval of a building permit. Entries and signs may not be located within any part of the County right-of-way.
   (d)   Other Conditions.
   (1)   Outdoor events are limited to the hours of 9 AM to 10 PM.
   (2)   Farm stay and bed and breakfast inns shall comply with all CCDEH (California Conference of Directors of Environmental Health) guidelines and CURFFL (California Uniform Retail Food Facilities Law) requirements.
   (3)   Pools and spas used by guests must meet all Building, and Health and Safety Code requirements.
   (4)   Exterior lighting shall be shielded and directed in such a manner as to not directly shine into adjoining residences.
   (5)   Where applicable, subject to the approval of the Environmental Health Director, portable toilets and related facilities may be used instead of permanent systems for events.
   (e)   Wildlife friendly practices. The following practices are encouraged for farmers within the Agricultural District:
   (1)   Establishing native shrub hedgerows and/or tree rows along field borders, roadsides, and rural driveways.
   (2)   Protecting remnant valley oak trees.
   (3)   Restoring field margins (filter strips), ponds, and woodlands in non-farmed areas.
   (4)   Using native species and grassland restoration in marginal areas.
   (5)   Managing and maintaining irrigation and drainage canals to provide habitat, support native species, and serve as wildlife movement corridors.
   (6)   Managing winter stubble to provide foraging habitat.
   (7)   Widening watercourses, including the use of setback levees.
   (f)   Agricultural Home Site Parcels. A Lot Line Adjustment may be approved to create an agricultural home site parcel in the CAD overlay zone on two (2) or more contiguous parcels under common ownership if the Lot Line Adjustment complies with all of the following requirements:
   (1)   All of the affected parcels shall have an Agriculture (AG) land use designation in the General Plan and the agricultural home site parcel shall be rezoned to Agricultural Residential (A-R). No other general plan and zoning designations shall qualify.
   (2)   All of the affected parcels shall have adequate potential for suitable water supply and sewage disposal and shall comply with the development standards set forth in Section 8-2.403(e) of this chapter.
   (3)   The Lot Line Adjustment will result in an agricultural home site parcel that is at least two and one-half (2.5) acres in size, with a maximum area of four (4.0) acres. The home site parcel shall be designed to be as small as possible, while meeting all other County requirements. The remainder (non-home site) parcel(s) shall meet the minimum parcel requirements in the A-N zone.
   (g)   Fee Exemptions. Farm worker housing shall be exempt from the payment of County Facilities and Services Authorization (FSA) fees. Farm worker housing shall also be exempt from the payment of any General Plan Cost Recovery (GPCR) fees.
   (h)   Advisory Committee. The Clarksburg Citizens Advisory Committee shall also act as the Agricultural District Advisory Committee, to advise the Planning Commission regarding the implementation of this Ordinance.
(Ord. 1445, eff. August 14, 2014, as amended by Ord. 1452, eff. January 15, 2015; as amended by § 5, Ord. 1497, eff. June 7, 2018; as amended by § 2, Ord. 1545, eff. January 6, 2022)