Sec. 8-1.503.   Accompanying items and filing.
   (a)   The following items shall accompany the final map when submitted to the Planning, Public Works and Environmental Services Department for checking:
   (1)   Three (3) contact prints;
   (2)   Traverses of the subdivision boundaries and of each irregular lot and block therein;
   (3)   A cash deposit or other guarantee, as provided in Section 8-1.905 of this chapter, in an amount estimated by the subdivider’s engineer and approved by the County Engineer for the cost of public improvements;
   (4)   A subdivision agreement signed by the principals of the property to be subdivided;
   (5)   A statement, or certified copy thereof, from the fire district in which the subdivision is located that such district will serve the subdivision provided subsequent improvements conform to the specifications and requirements of the district and of its governing laws;
   (6)   A statement, or certified copy thereof, from the agency furnishing the public water supply providing information as to the source and adequacy of the supply, including the notification that such agency will serve the subdivision if subsequent improvements conform to the specifications and requirements of the agency;
   (7)   A statement, or certified copy thereof, from the district or agency, if any, furnishing sanitary sewage disposal facilities that such district or agency will serve the subdivision if the improvements conform to the specifications and requirements of the district or agency;
   (8)   A bond guaranteeing special district assessments, if any, as provided in the Subdivision Map Act (Section 66493);
   (9)   A statement from the Public Health Director approving the method of sewage disposal if individual sewage disposal systems are to be used;
   (10)   Complete plans, profiles, details, and specifications of the proposed public improvements, together with design calculations as required by the County Engineer;
   (11)   Drainage fees, if any, and map and plan checking fees;
   (12)   A statement from the Chief Building Official that the preliminary soils report required by Section 8-1.807 of this article has been submitted or that submission has been waived in the manner provided by law, whether a soil investigation has been made of each lot, whether any corrective action was recommended in the course of such soil investigation, and that any such recommended action has been approved in the manner required by law; and
   (13)   Any other items required by Federal, State, and County laws.
   (b)   The subdivider shall file the final map, together with the items set forth in Section 8-1.503(a), above, with the Director of Planning for checking.
(Ord. 1445, eff. August 14, 2014)