Sec. 2-5.1004. Emergency purchases.
   (a)   Emergency purchases may be made by any person or official authorized to sign requisitions when the Purchasing Agent or any of his assistants in the Purchasing Department authorized to make purchases are not immediately available and the item or items so purchased are immediately necessary for the continued operation of the office or department involved or are immediately necessary for the preservation of life or property. Such emergency purchases shall be subsequently approved and confirmed by the Purchasing Agent, or, if the Purchasing Agent refuses such confirmation, the Board may subsequently approve and confirm such purchases by a four-fifths (4/5) vote of the entire Board. Unless such purchases are so approved and confirmed by either the Purchasing Agent or the Board, the costs thereof shall not constitute a legal charge against the County.
   (b)   When the Board of Supervisors proclaims a local emergency pursuant to Government Code section 8630, the Purchasing Agent may engage independent contractors to perform services related to the local emergency for the County and officers thereof as provided in Government Code section 25502.7. (§ 2, Ord. 1551, eff. September 29, 2022)