No alarm system shall be maintained or installed in any residence or other structure in this City until a permit for such installation is issued to the subscriber and/or property owner by the City Manager.
This permit requirement shall also apply to alarm systems presently installed as of the effective date of this section.
There shall be a twenty dollar ($20.00) fee charged for such permit. Application for such permit, to be made by the subscriber and/or property owner, shall contain the following information:
(a) The name and address of the property owner.
(b) The location of all alarmed doors, windows, pressure pads or other devices which would trigger the alarm system.
(c) The location of all alarm consoles and operation instructions for each alarm location.
(d) The name of the company installing the system.
(e) The make and model number of the equipment installed.
(f) An agreement to deposit a key to the alarm system used in the residence and to provide access to the main control panel.
(g) Agreement to use an assigned code number for the installation.
(Ord. 1248-1974. Passed 5-20-74; Ord. 1629-1980. Passed 12-15-80; Ord. 20-1987. Passed 12-21-87; Ord. 2-1991. Passed 2-19-91; Ord. 21-1994. Passed 12-19-94.)
There is hereby levied against the subscriber and/or the record property owner a fee of thirty dollars ($30.00) for each false alarm determined to be such by the Chief of Police, except that no such fee shall be imposed for false alarms occurring during the first thirty days of operation of an alarm installation, or the first thirty days of operation of any existing alarm after passage of this section, or during the first thirty days of occupancy of a dwelling by a new resident of this City.
The Chief of Police shall keep an accurate record of all false alarms, shall submit a monthly report to the City Manager for each alarm system, and shall bill each such subscriber and/or owner. Any subscriber and/or owner feeling aggrieved by the false alarm decision of the Chief may appeal such decision to the City Manager within thirty days of such decision, who may affirm or reverse the decision. Failure of the subscriber and/or owner of property served by a burglar alarm system to pay the fee imposed by this section within thirty days after billing, or, in the event of appeal to the City Manager, of the City Manager's decision affirming, shall constitute grounds for the City Manager to revoke such alarm installation permit, and he shall then cite the subscriber and/or owner under Section 703.99. An acquittal on such citation shall cause such revocation to be rescinded.
(Ord. 1248-1974. Passed 5-20-74; Ord. 162-1980. Passed 12-15-80; Ord. 2-1991. Passed 2-19-91; Ord. 21-1994. Passed 12-19-94; Ord. 18-2020. Passed 11-16-20.)
In addition to all other remedies provided by law, the Chief of Police, whenever he shall have knowledge of the use of any electrical or mechanical device or attachment or system for emergency alarms not operated or maintained in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, or the rules and regulations provided hereunder, shall order the removal of such mechanical device or attachment. Such order shall be subject to the appeal procedure set forth in Section 703.09.
(Ord. 1248-1974. Passed 5-20-74.)
(Ord. 1248-1974. Passed 5-20-74.)
The Chief of Police shall order disconnected any unit presently terminating in the Police Station unless the control mechanisms installed in the residence of the owner are, in the sole judgment of the Chief, accessible to the Police Department in the event of emergency.
(Ord. 1248-1974. Passed 5-20-74.)