   The installation in the Police Department of components of burglary and other emergency alarm systems serving residences and other buildings in this City is hereby approved and authorized subject to the terms and conditions of this chapter.
(Ord. 1248-1974. Passed 5-20-74.)
   (a)    "Alarm system" means any device designed for the detection of a fire or an unauthorized entry on premises or for alerting others of the commission of an unlawful act or both and when actuated, emits a sound, transmits a signal or message.
   (b)    "Alarm business" means any person engaged in selling, leasing, maintaining, servicing, repairing, altering, replacing, moving or installing any alarm system or causing to be sold, maintained, serviced, repaired, altered, replaced, moved or installed any alarm system in or on any building, place or premises.
   (c)    "Alarm agent" means any person who is employed by an alarm business, either directly or indirectly, whose duties include any of the following: selling, maintaining, leasing, servicing, repairing, altering, replacing, moving or installing on any building, place or premises, any alarm system.
   (d)    "Audible alarm" means a service designed for the detection of fire or an unauthorized entry on premises; and when actuated, generates an audible sound on the premises.
   (e)    "Proprietor alarm" means an alarm which is not owned or serviced by an alarm business.
   (f)    "False alarm" means an alarm signal necessitating response by the Police Department where an emergency situation does not exist and where the alarm signal has been caused by the fault or negligence of the subscriber and/or owner.
   (g)    "Subscriber" means a person contracting with an alarm business for the leasing, servicing or maintaining of an alarm system.
   (h)    "Person" means any individual, partnership, corporation or other entity.
(Ord. 1248-1974. Passed 5-20-74.)
   No person shall engage in the business of installing alarm systems in residences and other structures within the corporate limits of this City without first registering in the office of the City Manager on a form furnished by the City which shall provide the following information:
   (a)    Name and address of applicant.
   (b)    Full local address of applicant.
   (c)    The name, address and other necessary pertinent information of all alarm agents sought to be used in connection with any installation made in the City.
   A fee of five dollars ($5.00) shall be charged for each alarm agent included on the registration form, or otherwise registered in accordance with this chapter, to cover the cost of the investigation of the character of such alarm agent. Nothing in this section shall preclude a subscriber or owner from the installation of his own alarm system, provided the permit and the fee requirements specified in Section 703.08 are complied with.
(Ord. 1248-1974. Passed 5-20-74.)
   Upon receipt of the registration, the City Manager shall forward a copy thereof to the Chief of Police, who shall cause such investigation of the moral character of all individuals named therein to be made as he determines necessary for the public good.
   The Chief of Police is authorized to prohibit access to the Police Station to any person who, upon investigation, is found to be, in the judgment of the Chief, a security risk to this City.
   The City Manager shall keep a permanent record of all persons investigated and the results of such investigations. Such record shall be privileged and not available for public investigation, except by the person so investigated. No employee of the City shall divulge any information obtained in connection with the investigation of any person indicated on the registration form. Any breach of this rule shall be cause for dismissal of such employee.
(Ord. 1248-1974. Passed 5-20-74.)
   No person engaged in the installation of alarm systems in this City shall undertake the installation of any system through the use of any employee not previously registered with the City Manager in accordance with this chapter. (Ord. 1248-1974. Passed 5-20-74.)
   No person shall use or cause to be used any electrical or mechanical device or attachment to any telephone in any burglary, fire or other emergency alarm system which automatically selects or dials a telephone or telephone trunk line used by or assigned to the City for telephone service, which system then transmits over such line a report or alarm concerning a burglary, fire or other police emergency, except a special telephone line which will be made available for this type of emergency alarm system. The cost to the City for this special telephone and line will be assessed against the subscribers and/or property owners using the alarm system, the payment of which within thirty days of billing shall be a condition of continued use of such special line. (Ord. 1248-1974. Passed 5-20-74.)