(A)   No person shall, cause, suffer or allow to be discharged or emitted from any fuel-burning or dust-separating equipment, any dust, soot or fly ash exceeding 0.85 pounds per 1,000 pounds of gases, adjusted to 12% CO2; except that, dust, soot or fly ash not exceeding 15%, of the total dust, soot or fly ash entering any dust-separating equipment may be discharged or emitted to the atmosphere; and for the purposes of this section the amount of dust, soot or fly ash in the gases shall be determined according to the test code for dust-separating apparatus of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, as revised and amended from time to time.
   (B)   All fuel-burning equipment in which pulverized fuel is or is intended or designed to be burned, spreader stokers or similar types of suspension-burning equipment, installed after the passing of this subchapter shall be provided with dust-separating equipment approved by the inspector sufficient to prevent the discharge or emission of dust, soot or fly ash in excess of the limits set forth in division (A) above.
(Prior Code, § 30.1-24) (Ord. 775, passed 12-3-1984) Penalty, see § 94.999