   (A)   A mobile home shall contain space-heating equipment and water-heating equipment.
   (B)   Areas allocated for installation of space-heating and water-heating equipment shall provide adequate clearance so that the surface of adjacent combustible materials will not exceed a safe temperature. Curtains and draperies shall not be used in such areas.
   (C)   Space- and water-heating units shall be of an approved type for installation in a mobile home. Fuel-burning water heaters and furnaces other than those having a sealed combustion space shall not be located in sleeping rooms, bathrooms and toilet rooms.
   (D)   Space heating units shall have sufficient capacity to maintain a minimum inside temperature of 70°F, based on the average of the recorded annual minimum outside temperatures for the locality, and shall be provided with manual or automatic temperature-control devices.
   (E)   Water heating units shall have sufficient capacity to deliver at each hot water outlet an ample supply of water at a minimum temperature range of 130°F to 140°F, and such units shall be provided with safety devices arranged to relieve hazardous pressures and excessive temperatures.
   (F)   Electrical space and water heating equipment shall be of an approved type and shall have adequate circuit protection devices.
   (G)   Gas and liquid fuel-burning equipment shall be specifically designed for the type of fuel used. Flues and vents shall be suitable for the type of fuel used and shall be installed so that the surface of adjacent combustible material will not exceed a safe temperature.
   (H)   Automatically operated heat-producing equipment using utility gas shall have a valve that will automatically shut off the flow of gas to the main burner when the pilot flame is extinguished.
   (I)   Automatically operated heat-producing equipment using liquefied petroleum gas shall have a valve that will automatically shut off the flow of gas to the pilot light and main burner when the pilot flame is extinguished.
   (J)   Fuel-burning space and water heating units shall be vented. Other fuel-burning equipment shall be vented where the discharge of products of combustion into the space where the equipment is installed would be unsafe.
   (K)   Liquid fuel-burning equipment shall be vented and shall be provided with means to prevent spilling of fuel.
   (L)   Fuel storage containers and gas cylinders shall be mounted outside the mobile home, or in a space that is vented to the outside and is vapor-tight to the inside.
   (M)   Warm air supply ducts and fittings shall be of non-combustible material.
   (N)   Return air ducts shall be of non-combustible material where exposed to temperatures which are unsafe for combustible materials.
   (O)   Return air grilles in doors and partitions shall be of a permanent non-closable type. Openings for return air shall not be located in bathrooms, toilet rooms or kitchenettes.
   (P)   Mechanical ventilation, where required, shall exhaust air at rates not less than the following:
      (1)   For habitable space: two air changes per hour;
      (2)   For bathrooms and toilet rooms: 25 cubic feet per minute; and
      (3)   For kitchenettes: 100 cubic feet per minute.
   (Q)   Air conditioning for habitable space provided in lieu of mechanical ventilation shall supply an amount of air not less than that set forth in division (P) above, with at least 25% of the required quantity taken from the outside.
(Prior Code, § 19-331) (Ord. 312, passed 3-25-1963)
   (A)   A mobile home shall contain an electrical wiring system and service equipment.
   (B)   Electrical wiring shall have adequate capacity for designed lighting and appliance equipment. Individual circuits shall contain overload protection devices.
   (C)   At least one receptacle outlet shall be provided for each multiple of 12 linear feet of wall space or major fraction thereof in each habitable space and kitchenette. Bathrooms and toilet rooms shall have permanently installed lighting fixtures and switches located so as not to be an electrical hazard.
   (D)   Exterior equipment shall be weather-proofed to ensure protection of equipment from the elements. Service equipment shall have means for quick disconnection from the source of supply.
   (E)   Provision shall be made for grounding non-current carrying metallic parts of the electrical system. Such grounding shall be common to one external supply point. Provisions shall be made for exterior source grounding of electrical system.
(Prior Code, § 19-332) (Ord. 312, passed 3-25-1963)
   (A)   A mobile home shall contain cooking equipment and refrigeration equipment.
   (B)   Electrical cooking and refrigeration equipment shall be of an approved type for installation in a mobile home and shall have adequate circuit protection devices.
   (C)   Gas-burning cooking and refrigeration equipment shall be of an approved type for mobile home installation and connections to rigid pipe shall be made with approved flexible metal gas appliance connectors.
   (D)   Fuel storage shall conform to the requirements of fuel storage for heating.
(Prior Code, § 19-333) (Ord. 312, passed 3-25-1963)
§ 173.030 MAINTENANCE.
   (A)   A mobile home shall be maintained in a safe and sanitary condition.
   (B)   Floors, walls, ceilings, furnishings and fixtures shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition. Exits shall be maintained free of obstructions.
   (C)   Suitable containers shall be provided for the temporary storage of garbage and refuse within the mobile home.
   (D)   From May 1 to October 1, entrances to the mobile home shall be provided with self-closing type devices or screens, and windows and other openings used for ventilation shall be appropriately screened.
   (E)   Mobile home shall be maintained free of insects, vermin and rodents. Extermination shall be effected in conformance with generally accepted practice.
   (F)   Flammable cleaning liquids and other flammable materials shall be stored in a safe, approved manner.
(Prior Code, § 19-334) (Ord. 312, passed 3-25-1963)
   No person shall maintain or operate a mobile home court without a certificate of occupancy from the city’s Engineering Department.
(Prior Code, § 19-34) (Ord. 312, passed 3-25-1963) Penalty, see § 10.999