1301.01 Adoption.
1301.02 Inspection copies.
1301.03 Purpose.
1301.04 Compliance.
1301.05 Compliance with ordinances.
1301.06 Fees.
1301.07 Demolition or moving buildings.
1301.99 Penalty.
Authorization by Board of Building Standards - see Ohio R.C. 3781.12
Enforcement - see Ohio R.C. 3781.03, 3781.031, 3781.10(E), 3781.102, 3781.19
Final jurisdiction - see Ohio R.C. 3781.04
Application - see Ohio R.C. 3781.06, 3781.10(E), 3781.11(A)
Submission of plans - see Ohio R.C. 3791.04
Dead bolt locks in apartment buildings - see Ohio R.C. 3781.103
Smoke detection system for apartments and condominiums - see Ohio R.C. 3781.104; OAC Ch. 4101:2-89
Use of public buildings by handicapped persons - see Ohio R.C. 3781.111
Energy conservation - see Ohio R.C. 3781.181; OAC Art. 4101:2-25
Safety glazing - see Ohio R.C. 3781.51 et seq.
Pursuant to Ohio R.C. 731.231, there is hereby adopted by the Municipality, the Ohio Building Code (OBC) as adopted by the Ohio Board of Building Standards, Ohio Department of Commerce, and as published in Division 4101:1, 4101:2, and 4101:3 of the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) and as the same may be amended.
(Ord. 10-2013. Passed 4-15-13.)
One copy of the Ohio Building Code, together with copies of ordinances making deletions therefrom or amendments thereto, and any addenda added by ordinance, shall be kept on file by the City Clerk in the Department of Planning and Building for public examination during usual business hours. (Ord. 10-2013. Passed 4-15-13.)
The purpose of the Ohio Building Code as adopted herein is:
(a) To provide uniform minimum requirements for the erection, construction, repair, alteration, and maintenance of buildings and other structures related to safety, sanitation, and energy efficiency intended for use and occupancy;
(b) Establish such requirements, in terms of performance objectives for the use intended;
(c) To permit to the fullest extent feasible, the use of materials and technical methods, devices, and improvements, including the use of industrialized units which tend to reduce the cost of construction and erection without affecting minimum requirements for the health, safety, and security of the occupants or users of buildings or industrialized units and without preferential treatment of types or classes of materials or products or methods of construction; and
(d) To encourage, so far as may be practicable, the standardization of construction practices, methods, equipment, material and techniques, including methods employed to produce industrialized units.
(Ord. 10-2013. Passed 4-15-13.)
No owner or any other person shall construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or portion thereof, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing system, other building service equipment, or piping system the installation of which is regulated by the Ohio Building Code without complying with this chapter, Ohio R.C. Chapters 3781 and 3791 or the Ohio Building Code, or fail to comply with any lawful order issued pursuant thereto.
(Ord. 10-2013. Passed 4-15-13.)
(a) A permit is the document issued by the Division of Building Regulation authorizing work as shown on the application and/or the construction documents when the proposed work is in compliance with the Ohio Building Code and not in violation of the Codified Ordinances.
(b) The permit authorizing the work as shown on the approved construction documents is invalid if the work is not completed within eighteen months of the issuance of the permit.
Exception: A permit for the demolition of a structure is invalid if the demolition and site restoration work is not completed within six months of the issuance of the permit.
(c) Before any work authorized by a permit may continue for which the permit is invalid, the owner of the property shall make application to the Board of Zoning Appeals for an extension of time as required under Chapter 1129 of the Planning and Zoning Code. Failure to complete work within time period or any additional time granted by the Board of Zoning Appeals shall constitute a violation of this code.
(d) No permit shall be issued unless the construction documents submitted are in accordance not only with the Ohio Building Code but also with the Zoning Ordinance and the Subdivision Regulations as set forth in these Codified Ordinances and amendments thereto, so far as they may be applicable.
(e) No permit for a lot adjacent or contiguous to the flood plain of the Olentangy River shall be issued unless the application for the permit is accompanied by a certification by an Ohio registered surveyor or engineer that the finished grades at the building elevation comply with the minimum requirements set forth in Chapter 1105 of the Codified Ordinances.
(f) No permit shall be issued for any new building to which this Code is applicable, nor for any addition exceeding 1,000 square feet, nor for any parking lot, until the provisions therein for disposal of storm drainage have been reviewed and approved by the City Engineer.
(g) Lot grading and landscaping shall be completed in such a manner as to provide positive drainage away from building foundations. Grading and landscaping that will significantly alter existing drainage conditions to surrounding properties shall not be permitted unless it is demonstrated that the change is acceptable to the owners of the affected properties and the new drainage conditions shall not detrimentally affect the property or structures located thereon. Where possible, runoff shall be directed to public or private storm sewers or drainage ways. Lot grading shall be completed in such a manner as to be consistent with surrounding street, curb, parking area or lot grades. Grading that offers obstruction to natural drainage of storm water whether by sheet flow or in established open ditches shall not be permitted.
(Ord. 15-2019. Passed 5-6-19.)
Fees required for permits relating to buildings being constructed, remodeled, changed in use, or demolished under the Ohio Building Code shall be determined according to the following schedule:
(a) New Construction and Additions:
(1) Processing Fee $300.00
(2) Area Fee $20.00 per 100 Square Feet Gross Floor Area
(b) Remodeling, Alteration, Change in Use, or Temporary Structures or Uses:
(1) Processing Fee $150.00
(2) Area Fee $10.00 per 100 Square Feet Gross Floor Area
(c) Change of Occupancy only, no work except cosmetic: $72.82
(d) Whenever the work is substantially complete but not in full compliance with the requirements of this chapter, and the building official is granting a Temporary or Partial Certificate of Occupancy of a new, expanded, or altered structure to allow beneficial use of the structure while the remaining work is completed, a fee of $150.00 shall be paid prior to the granting of such temporary or partial occupancy.
(e) Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning, Electrical, Fire Suppression:
(1) Area Fee $10.00 per 100 Square Feet for first 5000 Square Feet
$2.00 per 100 Square Feet greater than 5000 Square Feet
(2) Minimum Fee $100.00
(f) Plumbing:
First fixture $200.00
Each additional fixture $20.00
Hot water heater replacement $60.00
(g) Demolition or Moving Buildings: $200.00 per building
(h) Parking Lot:
(1) Area Fee $5.00 per 1000 Square Feet
(2) Minimum Fee $50.00
(i) Additional Inspection Fees:
(1) When, for any reason, an inspection is desired outside the normal working hours of the Division of Building Regulation, an Overtime Inspection shall be applied for in writing during normal hours and accompanied by a fee of $150.00. Overtime inspections shall be performed only if approved by the Director of Engineering and if an inspector is available at the time required.
(2) When the work requiring inspection does not comply with the requirements of this chapter, and the work requires a third or subsequent re-inspection to determine compliance, a fee of $75.00 shall be paid prior to the re- inspection being conducted.
(j) Refunds. No fee imposed by this section shall be considered refundable.
(k) Waiver of Fees. The City Manager is hereby empowered to order that fees be waived for charitable, philanthropic, governmental agencies or for construction or improvements yielding economic development benefits to the City in specific cases.
(l) Public Area Payment.
(1) Multi-family developments: $250.00 per unit
(2) Commercial and industrial developments: $100.00 per 1,000
gross square feet of new or expanded space.
(m) A credit shall be granted for any multi-family, commercial and industrial development constructed on a lot which previously contained a similar structure, but which structure was demolished on or after January 1, 1995. The credit shall be in an amount which would have been paid for such demolished structure in accordance with the provisions of subsection (l) hereof. In no event shall the credit granted be greater than the payment due in connection with the new development.
(Ord. 15-2019. Passed 5-6-19.)
(a) The following are requirements when making application to completely demolish or move a building. In addition to a completed application on the prescribed form, the application shall be accompanied by 2 copies of documents containing the following information in addition to that required by the Ohio Building Code:
(1) A site plan of the parcel of land indicating which structure or structures are being completely removed, including any walks, pavement, parking areas, fencings, poles, walls, sheds, driveways, etc.
(2) A site restoration plan indicating how the site will be restored after any structure is removed. This plan shall include information on backfill, proposed landscaping, what structures will remain like foundations and subsurface slabs, and method of preventing voids and water accumulation.
A. A site restoration plan is not required for detached accessory structures not over 120 square feet in area. The site must still be restored.
B. A site restoration plan is not required if an application for a permit to construct a replacement structure on the site is received within 60 days of receipt of the application for demolition, the application date is shown on the demolition schedule, and the permit application addresses the restoration of the site. Failure to receive such application for permit shall cause the permit for demolition to be invalid until a site restoration plan is submitted.
(3) A schedule including: 1) when utilities are to be disconnected, 2) when demolition or movement of structures is to start, 3) the time duration of demolition or movement of structures, 4) when site restoration is to start, and 4) the time duration of site restoration. The entire schedule duration shall not exceed 90 days.
A. A schedule is not required for detached accessory structures not over 120 square feet in area. The 90 day maximum time period still applies.
B. The schedule is not required to include the start date and time duration of site restoration if the application date for a replacement structure is shown on the schedule.
(b) Any substantive changes to the site plan, site restoration plan, or schedule shall be submitted for review and approval following the same process as the original application.
(c) The review of the application shall be completed within 30 days of receipt. Approval, denial, or modification of the application shall be in writing by the Chief Building Inspector and shall state the reasons for denial or modification.
(d) All demolition and site restoration work shall be completed, inspected, and approved.