1301.01 Adoption.
1301.02 Inspection copies.
1301.03 Purpose.
1301.04 Compliance.
1301.05 Compliance with ordinances.
1301.06 Fees.
1301.07 Demolition or moving buildings.
1301.99 Penalty.
Authorization by Board of Building Standards - see Ohio R.C. 3781.12
Enforcement - see Ohio R.C. 3781.03, 3781.031, 3781.10(E), 3781.102, 3781.19
Final jurisdiction - see Ohio R.C. 3781.04
Application - see Ohio R.C. 3781.06, 3781.10(E), 3781.11(A)
Submission of plans - see Ohio R.C. 3791.04
Dead bolt locks in apartment buildings - see Ohio R.C. 3781.103
Smoke detection system for apartments and condominiums - see Ohio R.C. 3781.104; OAC Ch. 4101:2-89
Use of public buildings by handicapped persons - see Ohio R.C. 3781.111
Energy conservation - see Ohio R.C. 3781.181; OAC Art. 4101:2-25
Safety glazing - see Ohio R.C. 3781.51 et seq.
Pursuant to Ohio R.C. 731.231, there is hereby adopted by the Municipality, the Ohio Building Code (OBC) as adopted by the Ohio Board of Building Standards, Ohio Department of Commerce, and as published in Division 4101:1, 4101:2, and 4101:3 of the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) and as the same may be amended.
(Ord. 10-2013. Passed 4-15-13.)
One copy of the Ohio Building Code, together with copies of ordinances making deletions therefrom or amendments thereto, and any addenda added by ordinance, shall be kept on file by the City Clerk in the Department of Planning and Building for public examination during usual business hours. (Ord. 10-2013. Passed 4-15-13.)
The purpose of the Ohio Building Code as adopted herein is:
(a) To provide uniform minimum requirements for the erection, construction, repair, alteration, and maintenance of buildings and other structures related to safety, sanitation, and energy efficiency intended for use and occupancy;
(b) Establish such requirements, in terms of performance objectives for the use intended;
(c) To permit to the fullest extent feasible, the use of materials and technical methods, devices, and improvements, including the use of industrialized units which tend to reduce the cost of construction and erection without affecting minimum requirements for the health, safety, and security of the occupants or users of buildings or industrialized units and without preferential treatment of types or classes of materials or products or methods of construction; and
(d) To encourage, so far as may be practicable, the standardization of construction practices, methods, equipment, material and techniques, including methods employed to produce industrialized units.
(Ord. 10-2013. Passed 4-15-13.)
No owner or any other person shall construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or portion thereof, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing system, other building service equipment, or piping system the installation of which is regulated by the Ohio Building Code without complying with this chapter, Ohio R.C. Chapters 3781 and 3791 or the Ohio Building Code, or fail to comply with any lawful order issued pursuant thereto.
(Ord. 10-2013. Passed 4-15-13.)